Greer270's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Greer270's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Greer. What a wonderful self-portrait you created. My favorite feature is your portrayal of you either talking, smiling, or laughing - everything you do every day and what makes you so special and so fun to be with. Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on January 2, 2025
Hi Greer. What a beautiful piece of artwork you created. It was so interesting to read all of the techniques and tools you used to make it so visually amazing! The motion drip lines perfectly give the sense of leaves falling. Perfect for your first art project of 3rd grade. You did a superb job!! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 7, 2024
Hi Greer, Along with being a great artist, you are now a ceramist. The tea cup you molded and painted is beautiful. It has delicate features but, at the same time, looks very sturdy - perfect to have a cup of tea. What a wonderful project to end your second-grade art class. I am so proud of all of the projects you did! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on June 19, 2024
Hi Greer. You created a masterpiece here. I see a city skyline with many buildings and amazing lighting emanating from the moon and many stars. Reading the tools and techniques used to create this city skyline was fascinating. You have had so many great pieces in second grade. So proud of you! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 29, 2024
Hi Greer. I love this piece depicting how music and sound can be reflected in art. When I worked in publishing, we used a Kandinsky piece on one of our book covers. You did a wonderful job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 29, 2024
Hi Greer. This is a remarkable art piece. The colors you used and the background you created are so good! I look forward to you explaining to me how you created it. It definitely reflects the art style of Jim Dine. Amazing job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 27, 2024
Hi Greer, Your Sunset Tree Silhouette art is so well done. I read up on using the color wheel in a counter clockwise direction. Very interesting and made for another great art piece. You have quite an impressive gallery of art. Proud of you. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 21, 2024
Hi Greer. It is amazing what one can create using something as simple as torn painters tape. Then adding the oil pastel snowflakes with the watercolor background to get the frosty effect on the trees. It is a wonderful and very creative art piece. Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 21, 2024
Hi Greer, The first word that immediately came to me when I saw your new artwork was - MASTERPIECE!! The way you drew and then painted the waves, I can "hear" them splashing against the boat and onto Mt. Fuji. by looking at the art. It was so interesting to read your teacher's description of the tools and techniques used to add the feeling of movement. You did a brilliant job! I will be getting a print to hang on the wall. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
Greer This is FANTASTIC!!!!! Oustanding!!
- Papa on February 14, 2024
Hi Greer. This is one of my favorites! It is so beautifully done that it looks as if it is a stain glass piece. The sugar maple leaf looks exactly like the ones on our trees and that now cover the grass. Using black for the veins makes them so distinct. Your use of background colors and how they all so seamlessly blend into one another is amazing. Wonderful job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 15, 2023
Hi Greer. This is a very creative piece. I enjoyed looking at it very closely and following your continuous lines. Great use of color and very interesting background. Another great art project! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 15, 2023
Hi Greer. As is the name of the art project, this is an awesome jellyfish!! It made me very curious about jellyfish so I read up on them. The way you created the watery background and the dripping technique to create the jellyfish is so artistic and creative. The color of the jellyfish is the perfect complement to the blues of the water. Amazing job!! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on October 25, 2023
Hi Greer. Your rabbit is very creative with the way you used the light, medium, and dark texture along with the light shadow. And the background is beautifully done. I would like you to teach me all of the art techniques you have learned this year. Art class has to be the best! Another great creation. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 19, 2023
Hi Greer. I love your snow owl. The technique is so different than what you did for the printmaking owl making both of them very unique and very creative in their own way. I so enjoy reading Mrs. Stanley's description of how the artwork is created. You put in a lot of work and the final piece is so good!! Great work! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 19, 2023
Greer, This is AMAZING!! You are a very good artist. I look forward to seeing each new piece.
- Jill on April 5, 2023
Aww Greer, Your bunny is so good and looks so sweet and lovable. And that background is beautiful. You’re learning so many new things in your art class.
- Jill on April 5, 2023
Hi Greer, Oh my gosh, both of your owls, the print and the painting, are terrific!! You are learning so much in your art class. I hope next time you visit we can paint again. You can show me what scrumbling is. When I’m in bed at night I can hear the hooting calls of the owls on the farm. I’m hoping I can find an owl feather for you. I love you. Jill
- Jill on February 22, 2023
Wow Greer! Your owl print artwork is incredible. You said to me, "Mimi, wait 'til you see what we are working on!" I love reading the description of how the printmaking was done and the tools that were needed. I didn't realize there are construction paper crayons. This must have been such a fun project. Maybe we can create one of these together sometime. Great job - so proud of you! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 15, 2023
Hi Greer. This piece put a big smile on my face! The eyes, the teeth, the wide opened mouth, all scream "Have a Great Day"! It's the best. Love, Mimi
- Miimi on November 16, 2022
Hi Greer. You did a great job using Picasso's Cubism style. All the various shapes, colors and elements make your artwork very creative and very interesting. Another inspiring piece! Love, Mimi
- Miimi on November 16, 2022
Hi Greer. You did a great job using Picasso's Cubism style. All the various shapes, colors and elements make your artwork very creative and very interesting. Another inspiring piece! Love, Mimi
- Miimi on November 16, 2022
Hi Greer, This is SO cool! I truly think this is the best Picasso interpretation I’ve ever seen. You rock!
- Jill Tucker on November 9, 2022
Hi Greer, This is so interesting and so much fun for me to look at and study your choices of characters and figures. You and your brother are very talented artists.
- Jill Tucker on November 9, 2022
Dear Greer, I really like this. It made my day special. I wish you a great day too! I love you.
- Jill Tucker on November 9, 2022
Hi Greer. Your first art piece of first grade is so good. You were able to fit so many different characters and elements. It is fun to look closely at it and find all the ones you drew to make this so very interesting. Great job!! Proud of you. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on October 26, 2022
Dear Greer, I love this piece. You are a truly talented artist. I’m sure this monster would scare away all the coyotes on my property and allow my chickens to run free again. I also love that fish you painted that was shown at your art fair. WOW!! I love you. Jill
- Jill Tucker on May 25, 2022
Hi Greer. I love all of the elements you used to create this piece. The eyes and mouth have a very menacing look making this an angry looking monster. It was the perfect piece of art for the display at the art show. Great job!! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 25, 2022
Hi Greer. I can feel the desert heat just looking at this piece. The large sun looming in front of the mountains with only a couple of clouds, the lone cactus, the sand. I so enjoyed reading how you created this artwork - using chalk on black paper and then adding the black outline with oil pastel. Great job!! Love Mimi
- Mimi on February 16, 2022
Greer great job!
- Papa on February 2, 2022
Hi Greer. This is such a fun piece. It looks like your pigeon is having a great party with all the balloons flying around and the music playing (very creative adding the musical notes) You used such a variety of colors and elements which make it look like a rocking party. I worked with authors, illustrators and editors publishing children's books for years, and I love that your teacher had you learn what it takes to get one done. Knowing all of the hard work and how long it takes to get a book finiished, makes one appreciate and treasure books. Great job!! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 2, 2022
Dear Greer, I love, love, love this drawing. It makes me smile from ear to ear. And I love you. Jill
- Jill on February 2, 2022
Hi Greer. I find this piece so creative with the many elements you included and look forward to hearing how you created it. Looking at the hair, and bright eyes and big smile, I'm wondering if it is a self-image. Great looking outfit and shoes. Another great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on December 29, 2021
Hi Greer. I love your reindeer with its bright looking eyes and smile with the snazzy scarf. The watercolors you used both on the reindeer and the background are so good. This will make a great ornament for the tree. Another great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on December 29, 2021
Greer This is just outstanding! Keep it going.
- Papa on December 29, 2021
Wow Greer! This is a very creative piece. The eyes and mouth have a very menacing look making this an angry looking monster. Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on December 29, 2021
Hi Greer, This is so cool!! I love, love, love it!! Your monster’s emotions are showing. Great job. I love you. Jill
- Jill on December 29, 2021
Greer this is a fantastic piece of work. Your use of colors and design are remarkable. Keep it up! Papa
- Barney on November 17, 2021
Hi Greer. I love this floral piece with all of the bright colors in the petals along with the complementing background colors. I read that Georgia O'Keefe knew at the age of 12 she wanted to be an artist. Here you are at 6 loving to draw and paint! Great work! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 17, 2021
Hi Greer. I love this colorful piece and how you intersected the strips in various ways and used the four different colors, which makes it pop from the white background. Good job!! Love, MIMI
- Mimi on November 3, 2021
Another great job Greer! Papa
- Barney(fan) on October 20, 2021
Hi Greer. You did such a great job on the Shape Bird project. The elements and color you used on the bird complement the very interesting and festive background. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on October 6, 2021
Great job Greer. Keep up the good work! Papa
- Barney(fan) on October 6, 2021
Hi Greer. You created a great Kandinsky style art piece! Your use of color and the variety of images and shapes make this an impressive piece of abstract art. Keep up the great work! Love, Mimi
- Jaci(fan) on October 6, 2021
Hi Greer. I am so excited that you are in art class. Now we can see all of the interesting pieces you will be doing this year. Good job on your family portrait! Love, Mimi
- Jaci(fan) on October 6, 2021
Hi Greer, I love your Wassily Kandinsky drawing. Thanks for teaching me about this artist. I also enjoyed seeing your family portrait drawing. That is as sweet as you are. Love, Jill
- Jill Tucker(fan) on October 6, 2021