Hi Nolan Gamma and I both love your Tints and Shade hearts project. We actually showed it to our friends from Chicago and they loved it too. It was interesting to read about the steps that you took to create the picture and how you used shades from different temperature groups to make the heart stand out. Great job! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on May 9, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I love your wave painting. It is so interesting to see the painting and to read about all the step that you took to create it. It certainly gives me the feeling of huge waves out in the ocean, like those that you saw in Hawaii. Great job, we are proud of you! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on May 9, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I enjoy seeing your Tape Resist Winter Tree artwork. I am interested in how you used the painter’s tape to create the tree outline. The colors and the snowflakes certainly give the feel of a cold and windy winter day. Thanks for sharing this work. Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on May 9, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I enjoy seeing your Tape Resist Winter Tree artwork. I am interested in how you used the painter’s tape to create the tree outline. The colors and the snowflakes certainly give the feel of a cold and windy winter day. Thanks for sharing this work. Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on May 9, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I enjoy your latest art work. We understand that you studied maple leaves , line weight and warm and cool colors. The warm colors in the leaf contrast nicely with the cool colors around it making us think of a cool windy day in Kohler. The detail in the leaf you drew is so realistic. Excellent job, Nolan Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on January 24, 2024
Nolan Gamma and I love your jellyfish painting. You need to explain to us how you did the drip painting of the tentacles. Maybe next time you visit us in FL we will see a jellyfish on the beach! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on January 24, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I really enjoy your latest art work. The shapes and patterns are fun to explore and the colors really pop out of the page. Thanks for sharing it with us! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on January 24, 2024
Hi Nolan Gamma and I both love your new rabbit artwork. It sounds like there were a lot of steps required to make this painting. Great job! We also read about you all being monkeys or goats. We are guessing that you are a monkey. Are we right? Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on April 20, 2023
Hi Nolan Gamma and I just had a chance to see your owl painting and read about all the work you did to create it. Even though the subject is the same as the print you did, the painting and all the steps to create it are totally different. We really enjoy seeing how much you are learning in art class and being able to see all your creations. We can’t wait to see you this summer. Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on February 25, 2023
Hi Nolan Gamma and I really enjoy your owl print. It was really interesting to read about how you made the print too. It sounds like a lot of work, but was probably fun to learn how to do it. Keep up the great work and see you in the summer. Love you Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on February 25, 2023
Hi Nolan Gamma and I enjoy your watercolor pine tree painting from your class’ “Rainbow Evergreen Watercolor” project. It is fun to look at all the different colors you made the pine trees. Great imagination. Keep up the good work. Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on January 15, 2023
Hi Nolan Gamma and I really enjoy you Picasso witch art work. When we were in France there were several of Picasso’s paintings in the museum we visited. It is so exciting to see how you and your class learned about his work and applied it to your own art. We can’t wait to see you guys for Thanksgiving! Love you Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Nolan Who were you thinking of when you made this picture you call “Larry the Loudmouth”? Is there someone named Larry in your class? Gamma and I think it is a fun work. Keep up the good work! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Hi Nolan We really enjoy your work “Sheep Landscape”. The combination of the rainbow, sunset and red sky are interesting and create an unusual contrast. We would like to hear what you think they represent all together in the work. Love you Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Hi Nolan Gamma and I just received some more of your artwork. We enjoy the piece based on Marc Chagall’s work. Interesting floating items in the work. As you say, “great art picks up where nature ends” Love you Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Nolan Keep uo the great art work Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Nolan Your Christmas painting of Rudolf with his scarf is great. We can’t wait to see you next Christmas! Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Nolan I look at this artwork each day when I drink my morning coffee and think about you. Gamma and I love seeing your work! Love you Bakka and gamma
- Bakka on November 3, 2022
Nolan What an interesting painting. The musical notes in the background make us think of a bird singing a song. Good job Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka(fan) on November 3, 2022
Nolan Another nice still life painting. Love being able to see all of your art. See you soon Love Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka(fan) on November 3, 2022
Nolan We love your still life. Looking forward to seeing more! Love you Bakka and Gamma
- Bakka(fan) on November 3, 2022
Hi Nolan We just got access to see your art work. Gamma and I love all your pictures. We went to a museum today and maybe someday will see one of your works there. Love you Bakka and Gamma