A pop tart as artwork? Will, I am amazed! This looks like it was so much fun to make! And you used all kinds of things to assemble it, including sewing! I looked up the artist’s other works and found all kinds of interesting art he made, including an upside down ice cream cone sitting on the top of a building! You are learning a lot about art! I love this pop tart too. Love Gigi
- Ahlai on March 19, 2025 NEW
Hey Will/ thats a pretty colorful and scary dragon eye. I’m glad there isn’t two dragon eyes because then I would be looking directly at an entire large dragon and that would be soooooo scary! You did a great job making the eye look realistic and scary. Love your work! Gigi
- Ahlai on March 12, 2025 NEW
What a new 3 dimensional star, Will. Every point seems to have a different design. I can’t imagine how you put this together. It’s really cool! Love, Gigi
- Gigi (Ahlai) on February 5, 2025
Wow, this is a colorful heart, Will. I love the different sizes of the colored squares and rectangles and they are so uniquely placed! Good work again, my man! Love, Gigi
- Gigi (Ahlai) on February 5, 2025
Hey Will! What a cool star! I love that it’s 3D and all the different colors and artwork on each part. Very cool. Love Auntie Gega
- Greta on January 29, 2025
Will; this is so interesting. Still life showing bottles using pencils. It’s really different from your other very colorful art but I really like it. It lets me imagine how full (or empty) the bottles are and how the light reflects on the glass. Once again, great work, Will! Love Gigi
- Gigi on January 19, 2025
Hey Will! Great job with the deer coming through the birch trees. I love the moon shining through his antlers!
- Greta on December 11, 2024
Oh my goodness, I LOVE this artwork. The trees look so real and so does the deer. My all time favorite!!
- Gaga on December 11, 2024
Will, this birch tree painting is so good. I love the antlers and deer silhouetted against the moon. The moon, with the circles of gray, light blue and royal blue frame the antlers so well. The darkest blue edging around the moon make the silhouette so complete. This picture has depth and uses subtle colors that make it so interesting. You really did a great job on this art. Love, Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on December 11, 2024
Great art work! I love your owl’s big eyes. He looks real. Well done!
- Gaga on October 30, 2024
Oh Will! “He’s so cute”! That’s the first phrase that came to mind when I saw your owl and it’s exactly what you would say! I love his wide eyes and tiny claws on the tree branch! Such wonderful colors too! Great work, Will! Love Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on October 30, 2024
Oh my, Will! I love this art and have ordered a copy for my new house, so I can look at it all the time. This piece reminds me of abstract piano keys and I know it’s helped you to practice before school whenever you can! Keep up your great art and school work! I’m very proud of you, Will. Love Gigi
- Gigi (Ahlai) on October 23, 2024
This scratch art is so cool, Will. I remember doing something like this when I was in grade school. The colors come through so nicely. I like the circular shape, too! Great work, Will! Love, Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on October 23, 2024
Great fish, Will! Love the colors and design! If I was fishing and saw this fish swimming by my boat and looking at me with those big eyes, I would definitely not want to catch him! Your fish needs a good name. Love, Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on June 5, 2024
This picture looks like Will Wojcik! It’s a great self portrait of you, Will. The nose and eyes are just like yours and the mouth, though not smiling or laughing, could be yours too. I love the hair! The background is just like night time fireworks. Great job, Will! Love Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on June 5, 2024
I really like this one. I think it looks like you. Great job on the T-shirt. It looks like some of your favorite animals are on the shirt. Well done, Will.
- Gaga on June 5, 2024
I really like this one. I think you should hang it in your bedroom.
- Gaga on May 8, 2024
Gee Will! This is better than cotton candy! (Or maybe not cotton candy). Your cool coil could be a fireman’s hose, an underground pipe, a very neat flower pot or just a fun thing to have on a table. I love it! I imagine it was fun to make! Love Gigi
- Gigi on March 20, 2024
Very colorful and nicely done!
- Gaga on March 13, 2024
Hi Will; I really like your art, Symmetrical Hearts! The colors are bright and the black makes everything stand out. The brush strokes add great character. Keep up the great art work, Will! Love, Gigi
- Ahlai on January 31, 2024
Great work, Will. I really like this one!
- Gaga on January 27, 2024
Will, Will, Will! You have done it again! Still life picture with shading on the fruit and wrinkles and shading in the tablecloth. This makes the objects stand out from other parts of your picture! And it appears to be a dreary day outside, if your objects are sitting by a window. I love the fruit in the table. Looks good enough to eat! Keep up the good work! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on January 27, 2024
Will- I really like your depiction of Cezannes’ apples. You’ve captured the way the light hits one side of the apple and then the color of the apple darkens away from the light source. I like that your apple is not perfectly round either - it’s very realistic. Very well done! Great work! Gigi
- Ahlai on January 10, 2024
I love this one , Will. I had it made into a Christmas tree ornament.
- Gaga on December 20, 2023
I love your decorated Christmas trees, Will. The three dimensional look makes the ornaments pop out at me. Such great colors too! I can’t wait to see this art in person! Love, Gigi
- Ahlai on December 20, 2023
This is a very scary mask, Will. It looks like a skeleton but with crazy colors! Good work, Will! Just like the good work you did with the magician!! Love, Gigi
- Ahlai/Gigi on November 1, 2023
I like the colors. Your hands make it a fun piece of art. It’s going to look nicely on the family fridge
- Gaga on October 25, 2023
Will, I love your name art! The colors are amazing and your name fits right in among the colors! You are quite the artist! Love Gigi
- Ahlai on September 27, 2023
Will, this is a very creative picture of little chicks standing under clover. It appears that some of the chicks are chatting away and the others are quiet or listening. They remind me of Auntie Gega’s chickens who are all clucking at once and all the time. This is so cute, Will. Love Gigi Luigi
- Gigi on May 24, 2023
I love this one, Will. The little chicks are colorful and so cute. Well done
- Gaga on May 24, 2023
Hey Will! This is just so cool! I love it! I was just looking for a pot to hang on the wall outside with pansies or something like that in it! You did a wonderful job on the shape and the texture you made from shaping it with your hands makes it so unique! Great work! Love Gigi
- Gigi on May 17, 2023
This is cool, Will. Very colorful!! I love looking at your art work
- Gaga on April 12, 2023
Will; this art came through on your birthday! It’s truffles growing in a field for your 7th birthday! The colors in your design fit well together. I love the outline of truffles over the mixture of browns, green and blue. You are learning a lot in art. I am so proud of you. Love Gigi
- Ahlai on April 12, 2023
Willie! This is amazing. This is just like the bridges we saw at the Monet exhibit! I love the way you made the water appear like a bubbling brook and the grass on the sides has yellow - flowers? And you have trees in the background that fit right in. Very nice example of Monet. Willie - you Rock!
- Gigi on March 22, 2023
I really like this one. It’s colorful and beautifully drawn. It would look great in the dining room gallery at my house if I ever get that put back up
- Gaga on March 8, 2023
Willie, I love your seascape! The colorful fish is so pretty…and the jellyfish is so realistic! I especially like the orange coral. Great job! Love, Auntie Gega
- Greta on March 8, 2023
Will, this seascape is very cool. I wonder if all these creatures are headed to the ultimate sea creature rumble? I love the different methods you used to create this undersea environment. I wonder, too, what the octopus is holding. The coral on the bottom is beautiful. Great Work, Will! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on March 8, 2023
Will, this is an awesome depiction of T Rex coming into a city. The T Rex seems friendly as I don’t see any of his big teeth. What if there was an ultimate rumble with T Rex and the city? Who would win? I think all the people in your city would make friends with this giant dinosaur cause he looks so cool! Great work, Will!
- Gigi on February 22, 2023
When I saw the title of this artwork, “Painting with Scissors”, I imagined lots of colors and paint on the tip of your scissors. But this picture is much better than I ever could have imagined! The colors are bright and the shapes very unique to each other and they are not normal shapes! They are very different from the rectangles and squares I thought you might use. I really love your creativity on this, Will. Good work!! Gigi
- Gigi on December 21, 2022
Will; I love this unusual view of your snowman. I never thought of how a snowman would be look if I were a bird in a tree above it. You have done a great job of showing his layers; small head, bigger muddle and biggest base. And I can see his arms, scarf and his whole face. You have added all this detail! You are learning a lot in art and in all your classes. I love you, Will. Gigi
- Gigi on December 21, 2022
Well WILLIAM! You have done an outstanding job putting your name in a stained glass format! It’s so unique and I love it! I’m so proud of your work in school - art and math and everything else! You are really a cool kid and show it in your work, your humor and your enthusiasm! Keep it up! I live you so much! Gigi
- Gigi on November 23, 2022
Well WILLIAM! You have done an outstanding job putting your name in a stained glass format! It’s so unique and I love it! I’m so proud of your work in school - art and math and everything else! You are really a cool kid and show it in your work, your humor and your enthusiasm! Keep it up! I live you so much! Gigi
- Gigi on November 23, 2022
Will, this is a very colorful picture with curvy and straight lines mixed together. Your vase is very clean-cut and a neat shade green. Your flowers stand out nicely from each other because the colors you used are so different. I think this is great example of the artist Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”. That is one of his most famous paintings. I am so proud of your work. Love, Gigi
- Gigi on October 19, 2022
Will, I love the colors you chose in this design. I also like how neatly you worked. Well done!
- Gaga on October 5, 2022
Dear Willie, I love your new artwork “Abstract Lines” and the way you have brought color between the lines. The various shades of green are a good backdrop for the bright pink. You do such a great job in art. I love your work.
- Gigi on October 5, 2022
Hey Will! This is an excellent example of outer space and of you rocketing off. I remember when you were in 4K and were asked what you wanted to do when you grew up. You said “a planet scientist”! Here you are starting your exploration! I can see you with all the monitors and tools to work in a spaceship and measure distances, velocities, everything. Here you are blasting off to explore the Milky Way. I am so proud of your work and of YOU!! Love Gigi Luigi
- Gigi (Ahlai) on June 1, 2022
My favorite picture from kindergarten. Well done, Will
- Gaga on May 18, 2022
This is my favorite so far this year!! Well done, Will.
- Gaga on May 18, 2022
Wow Willie! You have some great art concepts and your giraffe is no exception! The horns and ears at the very top of your giraffe’s head are way up among the branches of a tree, probably an acacia tree. It appears he can just reach over and grab a bunch of leaves and munch on them. I think that’s his favorite kind of leaf. The clouds and sun in the background make your giraffe look even taller. And the big spots are very cool! Wonderful work, Will. I can’t wait to see your giraffe in person! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on May 18, 2022
This picture is my favorite. I LOVE the dragons and the castle and the colors.
- Gaga on April 27, 2022
Oh my goodness Willie! Your new artwork is so fun! I love all the tall castle pinnacles and the fire breathing dragons flying and entering the Castle grounds. The dragon breath looks so scary. The dragon must have had very bad breath because there are so many colors as he blows out the flames. Do you think the dragon cooks his dinner by breathing fire on it? Your castle wall has neat markings on it, but I’m afraid it won’t be long before the dragons take over! LOOK OUT TOWER PEOPLE! RUN!! Great work, Will. I am so proud of you! Love Gigi
- Gigi on April 20, 2022
Will, I love your castle and the fire breathing dragons! They are very cool. Love Auntie Gega
- Greta on April 20, 2022
Hi Will. I received this picture that you made (a rainbow) on March 29th. But you are in Disney Land this week. That makes me think the colors in your rainbow are the same colors you are seeing on your vacation. And the colors in this rainbow may always remind you of your Disney Land vacation - happiness, family fun, beautiful lights, laughter and maybe even some fireworks. I really like this rainbow a lot as I love all your art! Keep up the good work! I love you. Gigi
- Gigi on April 2, 2022
Hi Will. I received this picture that you made (a rainbow) on March 29th. But you are in Disney Land this week. That makes me think the colors in your rainbow are the same colors you are seeing on your vacation. And the colors in this rainbow may always remind you of your Disney Land vacation - happiness, family fun, beautiful lights, laughter and maybe even some fireworks. I really like this rainbow a lot as I love all your art! Keep up the good work! I love you. Gigi
- Gigi on April 2, 2022
Oh Willie! If this is a big sucker, I want it! It is very cool. It almost looks like a planet with feathery meteors crashing into it! Great work! Maybe you’re going to see some planets in Disney world! I am so cited for you and Maddie and mommy and daddy to tell us your Disney World stories! In the meantime, keep up your great work in school! I love and miss you! Love Gigi
- Gigi on April 2, 2022
Will! Just look at those Olympic Rings you have made! How awesome. Did you watch the Olympics- like the event called the “skeleton” that the athletic slides down the ice really fast. Your rings are really neat and so many colors. I miss you Will! You are learning so much! Keep up your great work! Love you, Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on March 9, 2022
Hey Willie! What great art you’ve made! I love the birds and they make me think more of Spring. And now you have created a mardigras decoration! I love your work! Keep up the great work and enjoy what you are learning! I love you! Gigi
- Ahlai (Gigi) on March 9, 2022
Dear Willie; This L O V E sign is so neat. I love the bright colors you have used. I especially like the designs in the “L” and the “E”. You will have to tell me how you did that. Very cool work, Will! I’m proud of you! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on January 26, 2022
Dear Willie; This L O V E sign is so neat. I love the bright colors you have used. I especially like the designs in the “L” and the “E”. You will have to tell me how you did that. Very cool work, Will! I’m proud of you! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on January 26, 2022
What a neat leaf, Will! It also looks like a “W” for your name, William. I can imagine your leaf gently falling from a tree onto the ground on top of all kinds of other leaves piles of leaves of different colors! That would be a pretty sight! Love, Gigi
- Marty(Papa)(fan) on December 20, 2021
Hi Will, this looks like an apple tree with lots of apples. The purple sky makes me think a big rain storm is coming. That’s good, because apple trees need rain. Maybe some time in the fall we could go picking apples and make apple cookies? NO, I mean Apple Pie! I love making pies with you and Maddie. I love you Will. Gigi
- Marty(Papa)(fan) on December 20, 2021
Will, this is a wonderful self-portrait. I love your big big smile and shiny eyes. I can see your cute little ears and you are wearing a red shirt. I think you love wearing red. In this picture you didn’t have a Mohawk hair cut either. Great job, Will. I can’t wait to see more! Love, Gigi