Elise5217's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Elise5217's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Elise, I am so proud of your beautiful artwork. This is one of my favorite, I love the colors you used and the dancing figures! Keep up the great work! Love, Grandma Susan
- Susan on December 6, 2023
I like how you used the same colors for the background as the people. You are such as smart artist. A smartist!
- Nick (Father) on November 14, 2023
Love the polar bear! Great work, Elise!
- Susan on December 6, 2023
What a beautiful picture! Such great detail and colors!
- Susan on December 6, 2023
I love seeing all your new artwork, Elise. Keep up the great work!
- Susan on December 6, 2023
I have enjoyed seeing all your wonderful art throughout the year! Keep up the good work .
- Grandma Susan on December 6, 2023
You are creating such beautiful artwork! I love every picture you have drawn.
- Grandma Susan on December 6, 2023
You used beautiful colors! Good job!
- Dad on March 16, 2022
Your drawing is great! You are so creative!
- Dad on March 16, 2022