Hello Austin35549, I am a Junior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Remington624 if you want to check out my artwork. I remember watching you make this owl over the course of the beginning of the year in drawing. From start to finish I think it turned out really well. I really like the texture you put on the feathers. The different colors or grey form together to make the feathers look really cool and realistic. Overall I think this project turned pout really good and I was glad I could be there to watch you make it.
- Remington on May 29, 2024
Hello Austin. I am a Junior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Blake13490. I really like this piece. It's cartoonish and silly and reminds me of evil boxes from Red Ball. I find this sort of thing appealing-a mean character that would like to be scary, but due to it's simple geometry and brash style is more cute than anything. Something that is very not-serious. Very nice.
- Blake on January 16, 2024
Hello, Austin 35549I am a Senior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Ethan56257. I really like how the pot has a hole in it showing a calm spring. I also like how the blue and black blended together. I tried doing juxtaposition drawings and found them to be difficult but yours came out great! Good job.
- Ethan on January 16, 2024
Hello Austin35549. I am Alex at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Alex40988. I like what you did with the blending. In my opinion, the way you did a rough blend instead of a smooth blend creates a neat contrast which overall improves the look of your artwork making it an aesthetically pleasing piece of art.
- Alex on January 16, 2024
Hello Austin35549 I am a Freshman at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Laura7367. I love the different colors and different shades. I love the design and thought that was put into this. I like how smooth the background goes from blue down to black. Your art is so cool and creative. Keep doing a great job.
- Laura on January 16, 2024
Hello Austin35549 I am a Freshman at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is Jayden17946. One of the best parts of this artwork is the nice smooth texture of the water color. I especially love how the color of the balloons really made them pop and shine from the green background. I am very excited to see more amazing art from you.
- Jayden on January 16, 2024
Hello Austin33549 I am a Junior at Lancaster High School. My Artsonia ID is aven357. This piece is very realistic. I really like how you did different kinds of shading throughout the entire piece. It gives it a smooth look. Keep up the good work!
- Aven on January 16, 2024
hello, this is Skye1796! I noticed that you comment on my post a while ago, and would like to say thank you. I also think your art is very cool! :)