Marci11's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Marci11's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is my favorite of your art from Weston. The fish has real character and the colors are awsome. Love, Papa Leo
- on January 1, 2010
This is outstanding! A professional would be proud to display this. You keep getting better every year. love, Mimi Eileen and Papa Leo
- on January 1, 2010
Marci, you got skills. I am amazed that for such a young girl you can draw and paint better than your uncle Pete, I love ya kiddo- your favorite bald uncle
- on November 29, 2008
nice marci you are a regular impressionist. Excellent perspective. Is this from your head or are you painting from real life? Keep it up. see you soon.
- on November 26, 2007
Wow! That's so great! Oooo, I like it. Juliana
- on November 25, 2007
Hi Marci, Keep drawing and painting. You have a gift. The colors are great, and the composition is wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing more! John
- on November 24, 2007
Marci I am absolutely amazed! Your picture is wonderful! We have another artist in the family. I'm so proud of you! Love, Mimi
- on November 24, 2007
What a great little artist you are. I'm so proud of you. Love, Great Grammy
- on November 24, 2007
My little artist. I'm so proud of you! Love, Dad
- on November 22, 2007