Addilyn549's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Addilyn549's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice work Addi :) I love you
- Nana on November 15, 2023
addi you are getting to so good at drawing. I love you, Nana.
- Michelle on October 31, 2023
Addi you are getting soo good at drawing. Beautiful work. Love nana
- Michelle on January 24, 2023
That’s a great picture Addi Love nana
- Michelle on November 30, 2022
This is an awesome pic of Idaho
- Angelathomas on November 30, 2022
Soo cute your getting to be such a great artist ??
- Michelle on November 30, 2022
Addi you are such a great artist. Nana loves to see your pictures. I love you soo very much. Nana
- Michelle on April 17, 2022
Great job Addi! Is that a picture of Sargent?
- Grammy on April 17, 2022
I love the colors you used! Love, Auntie Ang
- Angela on March 3, 2022
Addi your picture is beautiful just like you. Love nana
- Michelle on March 3, 2022
Great Job Addi :) I like the colors you chose.
- Auntie Ang on March 3, 2022
Addi I love your lamb, with the black face. He’s cool!!! I miss you and can’t wait to see you, love Grammy:)
- Donna on December 14, 2021
Addi, I love this drawing of the pumpkins!! You’re doing a great job!! ??
- Auntie Ang on October 28, 2021
Addi nana loves your picture soo much! You are a great artist
- Michelle on October 14, 2021
Good job,Addilyn!
- Pappy Keith on October 14, 2021