Asher5461's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Asher5461's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Asher, we love your Fall Leaves picture. The leaves this time of year are so beautiful and you did a great job. We have some trees in our yard that have leaves that look just like your picture. Have a great day and we love you soooo much.
- Mema and Papa on October 25, 2023
We absolutely LOVE the owl you made. And what makes it even more awesome is that you made it out of clay which is so cool (just like you). Mema and Papa love you sooooo much:)
- Mema and Papa on April 12, 2023
Wow! Great work Asher! I love that you used mommy's favorite color purple! Can't wait for you to bring this home!
- Brittany (Mother) on April 5, 2023
The green 4 leaf clover is great for St Patricks Day and looks wonderful with those beautiful colors behind it. We love it, and we love you!!!!! Mema and Papa
- Mema and Papa on March 22, 2023
That is a perfect house Asher,,,, we love it and we love you!!!! You are such a wonderful artist:)
- Mema and Papa on May 11, 2022
That looks amazing Asher. Looks like you used lace to sew the 2 pieces of paper together which is so cool.... Mema and Papa are so proud of you and love you so much:)
- Mema and Papa on April 27, 2022
Great job on the Clay Pinch Pot Asher. We love the colors you chose,,,, it looks awesome. Love you so much.
- Mema and Papa on March 30, 2022
Mema and Papa LOVE your Polar Bear. You did such a great job and you even have snowflakes in the picture:)
- Mema and Papa on February 2, 2022
This reminds me of the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and I love it!
- Brittany (Mother) on January 4, 2022
This is one of my favorites! The stacking of the colors are beautiful and the added black lines just make your art one of a kind!
- Brittany (Mother) on January 4, 2022
Purple is my favorite color! Love all the different shapes and letters to make up your name! Great job!
- Brittany (Mother) on January 4, 2022