This space city is soooo cool! I love the colors of the planets and the stars in the deep space background. The one planet has some vertical layers which is different than the other planets. I wonder what life forms live there? Great job, Bells!
- Aaron (Father) on November 5, 2024
Space City is a very different piece of art than anything you have done before. It looks very high quality to me and I think the planets are beautiful !! I am very impressed with your skill and your creativity in all of your artwork. Imagine - an artist who is also an incredible contortionist - - amazing !!!
- Pops on October 30, 2024
This art piece is very detailed and shows me a lot of what makes up your life and your feelings ! I most like that image of what I think is Rosie in the middle of your artwork. It's sort of cool to be looking at this while I am sitting in my hotel room in Istanbul Turkey. Thanks for sharing as it made me happy and filled me with cheer and reminded me how good spaghetti tastes !!!
- Pops on September 25, 2024
Hi Bells! I love this piece of artwork, it summarizes you perfectly! I love that sun in the background as well as the mountains! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- Mom on September 24, 2024
Hi Ella! I love this piece of artwork. It is very colorful and I see some hidden messages written in there! A few things about you and things you love. Do I see mention of a certain favorite meal that I make for our family in there??! :) The colors look a lot like a plate of spaghetti! Love you!
- Aaron (Father) on September 24, 2024
This artwork might be your bestest ever !! It looks like a professional artist did this !! It seems to be drawn in a style from Egypt ! I would like to know what you were going for on this piece - it’s tremendous !!!!
- Papa on April 3, 2024
Ella, this is so cool! My favorite part by far is the creative border you made. I am impressed how you were able to duplicate each drawing so well. Well done Lady Love! Love, Mom
- Erin (Mother) on April 2, 2024
Ells! I love this art work! It looks like something that you would find inside of the walls of a famous Egyptian pyramid. I love the different goldish tones of the cat. Keep up the great work! Love you! Dad
- Aaron (Father) on April 2, 2024
This piece of art is so original ,I especially love the border. You seemed to really take your time drawing it. Did you name the cat? This animal seems quite regal. Is he/she looking in a mirror? Thanks for sharing , I love you soooo much!!
- Gigi on April 3, 2024
So much detail in this creation. I almost feel like I'm there, in London. You really captured the feel of Europe! Beautiful job!
- gigi on February 21, 2024
Wow, this is a fabulous drawing of some landmarks in London! I love the contrast of the red double-decker bus and black and white background. How did you get the rain splashes on the paper. That’s so cool! Love, Dad
- Aaron (Father) on February 1, 2024
Fontaine in London !! I would like to go there with you. Also we could go to Ireland and France too !! Lots to see and experience. I like all the detail in this artwork and that makes me want to go there and enjoy it ! That’s a sign of good art !!!
- Pops on February 1, 2024
Hey, that’s exactly the kind of Christmas sweater I have been looking for !! I would wear that to Mar-Mars Christmas party and be very excited ! You are a fabulous artist and you captured the Holiday spirit perfectly !!
- Pops on December 27, 2023
This artwork looks very real !! I can actually see the personality of the fish which is what a great artist is able to show in their works. I think you are very talented and you have a gift of being able to communicate to your audience exactly what you think and feel !! Keep the artworks coming - I love them !!
- Pops on December 6, 2023
Love the colors on this one ! Makes me think of a world where Barbie might live ! I bet this took a lot of time to create. This would look good in a frame on your wall !! I think Rosie would like that too !!
- Pops on November 22, 2023
Hi Els! I always love viewing your beautiful artwork. When I look at this piece, I think of Valentine's Day!! Love the squares and swirls I see too. And know what else I love... YOU!
- Mom on November 16, 2023
Hmmmm….it took me a while to fully figure this one out. It’s complicated but then it all makes sense if I just let go of my usual way of reading something in a straight line. I just got your intention to get a new “turn” on looking at something- and you know what?! I Like It !!! Very creative !! Makes me look at the world in a new way !! Keep the art coming. I’m always happy to learn something new !!!!!!!
- Pops on October 11, 2023
I love this turtle! He looks so happy.
- Dad on October 11, 2023
Amazing! Ooohhh. I love the mixed colors especially the purples and blues. The way that your name is spelled out abstractly is super cool. I really like the details on the letters. Great job, Ella!
- Dad on October 11, 2023
This piece is very cool. I see a moon shape, a swirl and something that looks like a butterfly. Very cool!
- Erin (Mother) on September 27, 2023
Wow! Would be so cool to be at the top of this building. I wonder how little cars would look from way up high!
- Erin (Mother) on September 27, 2023
Hi Ella! I love when I am able to see your beautiful artwork. I know you shared you didn't finish this piece but I think it looks neat the way it is. The left side triangles remind me of night and the right side remind me of day!
- Erin (Mother) on September 27, 2023
I really admire all the details in this piece of art ! Yes, the upper left is awesome, but everything else is also very beautiful! I am getting a lot of good emotional communication from this piece, and I believe it is the best I’ve ever seen from you !!!
- Pops on September 27, 2023
I think this is a great Super Hero piece of art. Like Spiderman or Batman. Kind of like Super Pops too. I will hang with your hero anytime he wants. Don’t forget, I am Cat Noir after all !!
- Pops on June 14, 2023
I love this piece of artwork. I think it was so creative to draw the things you love so much, all your art supplies. I love spending time coloring with you, Ells Bells!!!
- Gigi on April 19, 2023
Wow! You need a lot of different supplies to create amazing artwork, don’t you? I think it is pretty cool that your artwork is a drawing of art supplies. I like the orange and blue colors of the glue containers and love the shading of the blue scissors. Keep up the great work, Peanut Brittle!
- Aaron (Father) on April 5, 2023
Hi Ella! I love your beautiful picnic display especially the checkered placemat and Dunkin cup. Did you weave the white and blue strips? I would love to get a taste of that shake! Love, Dad
- Aaron (Father) on April 5, 2023
This looks like a picture of your desk in your play room at home. I think you are the hardest working girl in all of Libertyville !! Keep it up, and stay beautiful !!!
- Pops on April 19, 2023
Ella, I love your picnic art! Your fresh fruit looks amazing and that coffee... delicious!
- Erin (Mother) on April 3, 2023
Are you on a picnic ? It looks like so much fun ! I think your Dunkin Donut coffee cup is incredible!! Is your picnic at Independence Grove ? With the ducks and fish ?
- Pops on April 3, 2023
Wait - is this Coco after not having a bath in 9 years ?!?!?! Should I take Coco over to our house and get her cleaned up and also have her manicured too ?
- Pops on April 3, 2023
Hmmmm…..this is a very interesting piece of artwork here. It took me a while to figure out all the details. Kind of like a Picasso- you have to stare at it for a bit to get the whole meaning. Did you say the name was Carmel Corn or something like that ?? I wonder if Cat Noir would be friends with this thing. Makes me hungry for a Butterscotch Sundae !!
- Pops on December 14, 2022
It’s so amazing that you drew the most Loving Monster I have ever seen !! I’m not scared of monsters anymore because of what you show me here. In fact, I even want to be friends with this punk dude now. Can you set up a meeting for me ? Maybe we can get Concrete Mixers and sing songs together !! Love - Pops
- Papa on November 30, 2022
Hi Elze!! I love the shade of pink that you chose for this beautiful masterpiece. “LOVE “ is so important, now more than ever. Family, friends, community and the planet. I noticed the extra hearts you put on the word and corner by it’s ear. I love you sooooo much,
- Gigi on November 30, 2022
What an awesome bulldozer. It is quite realistic! You must have taken your time to draw it, it looks so good. I know how much you love to draw and color!
- Gigi on November 2, 2022
Whoa! That giant excavator is climbing way high on that huge mound of dirt! I love your construction site and the beautiful clouds. Is that a crane in the background? Nice work, peanut brittle!
- Aaron (Father) on October 26, 2022
I think this is your best work ever ! I think Colin would love to have this painting in his bedroom. I think maybe you had a professional artist do this painting!! Maybe Picasso or Renoir, because it looks so perfect !! If I Could just have your talent, I would so happy !!!
- Vincent VanGogh on October 26, 2022
I love your amazing construction site Ella. I think the clouds look amazing!
- Erin on October 26, 2022
Hey Fontaine !! This is gorgeous artwork !!!! I love the deep colors you used here. You have interesting color blending and I LOVE it. Keep it up !!
- Cat Noir on October 5, 2022
Oh my goodness, this Heart artwork is so amazing !!! I absolutely love it, and I think it is your bestest work ever !! I want to get a copy of this masterpiece!! I bet Coco loves it too !!
- Papa on February 16, 2022
Love that Thanksgiving artwork. I think I recognize that bird - it’s Churkey Turkey, right ? His big day is coming up next Thursday ! I can’t wait to come over to your house And celebrate Thanksgiving!! Maybe we can do some karaoke!!
- Papa on December 7, 2021
Love that Thanksgiving artwork. I think I recognize that bird - it’s Churkey Turkey, right ? His big day is coming up next Thursday ! I can’t wait to come over to your house And celebrate Thanksgiving!! Maybe we can do some karaoke!!
- Papa on December 7, 2021
It is so awesome to get to see your beautiful artwork, Ells Bells!!! I love how colorful it is! Keep up the good work, I know how much you love art. I love you
- Gigi on October 15, 2021
Oh my....this is one of the most beautiful art project my eyes have ever seen !! Is this Humpty Dumpty....before he had a great fall ?? Great choice of colors and I think the numbers in there too ! I can't wait till your next project !! Love, Papa
- papa on September 29, 2021
Ella, this is adorable! I love the eyes lashes and rainbow colors!