Lovell58's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Lovell58's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lovell has a FAVORITE pair of shoes. They are combat boots and she wears them every day. I saw this art project and could not believe that she managed to include them in her art work. Very clever. Think she did a great job. This was not an easy project as these boots are very worn, have lots a wrinkles and creases and are many colors. It must have been complicated using shading and other techniques to illustrate their condition. Very well done!!
- Maggie (Mother) on December 21, 2021
Gorgeous!! So many different techniques and beautiful colors. Good job!!
- Maggie (Mother) on December 14, 2021
This is absolutely AMAZING. Well done. Congratulations. More to come I hope. Bravo!!!!
- Maggie (Mother) on September 28, 2021