Sophia39880's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Sophia39880's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sophia, this bowel is beautiful! I love the intricate details in design and the colors you chose! Wonderful work! Love, Mom
- Christina (Mother) on December 26, 2024
This is my favorite painting you’ve ever created! Love the beautiful sunset colors against the snow covered mountains! Awesome job, Sophia!
- Christina (Mother) on October 6, 2024
Wow! This maple leaf pops right out of the page. It seems to be almost alive with energy! Nice colors and texture too! Very beautiful work, Sophia!
- Christina (Mother) on October 3, 2024
Sophia Again you continue to amaze me with your wonderful art creations!!! Keep them coming!!! Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on October 3, 2024
Awww, love this little turtle. She looks like she’s swimming off into the sea! Nice work, Sophia!
- Christina (Mother) on June 10, 2024
I love this! It reminds me of a turtle I had many years ago named Bebe. The turtle in your artwork looks lifelike! And I like the way you organized the composition. Thank you for this precious work of art that brings back such nice memories for me.
- France on June 10, 2024
Sophia, I love the colors that you gave to this sea turtle. The arrangement of the shells and turtle moves my eye around but keeps me within the picture. Love the movement in the water with your wavy lines. Good work!! Love, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on June 10, 2024
Sophia, as always your artwork makes me happy! I love your use of colors. Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on May 31, 2024
Sophia! I am always impressed with your art. You are so talented and still so young. Every piece you have done has been beautiful but I see more and more skill with each new artwork. Thank you for sharing your art with all of us.
- FRANCE on May 31, 2024
Sophia, these friends sharing flowers are beautiful! Looks like they are giving a gift!
- Christina (Mother) on May 22, 2024
Sophia, I love your version of Picasso's hands holding flowers. I like the variety of colors and shapes in your arrangement . Love and hugs, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on May 22, 2024
Sophia...this is one of my favorite pieces by you! I love birds and I love the way you depicted this gentle creature. You are becoming such a wonderful artist.
- FRANCE on February 1, 2024
Sophia, to where is this lovely bird flying? Love how this bird is moving! Awesome work!
- Christina (Mother) on January 4, 2024
Sophia Again I have had the pleasure of viewing another one of your creative and moving works of art. This work of art makes me wonder where this magical place is and I want to be there. Keep on doing your art work, Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on January 4, 2024
Sophia This is a beautiful piece of artwork. I love the action in it and the gold color makes it even more exciting! You do great work, keep it up!!! Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on January 4, 2024
This a beautiful dove! The texture of its feathers are really cool! It looks like it’s fluttering its wings getting ready to fly! Doves are a symbol of peace!
- Christina (Mother) on December 21, 2023
Sophia~This is a beautiful work of art showcasing the beauty of a deer in a nature scene. So good to see you are continuing to do art.
- France on June 5, 2023
Oh my goodness! I love this piece! Such bubbly effervescence! Or is it colored oils? How on earth did you make this? It looks so so so cool! Very awesome work! Love, Mommy
- Christina (Mother) on May 23, 2023
Sophia, this is a serene beautiful Vermont scene. I love the textures and colors you used. Wonderful! Keep up the hard work! love, Mommy
- Christina (Mother) on May 23, 2023
Sophia, I can't believe how beautiful your artwork is and you are only in First Grade! Love the colors and the shapes. It's a lovely composition!
- FRANCE on May 23, 2023
Sophia, Again you continue to impress me with your wonderful and exciting art work! Keep up the great work! Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on May 23, 2023
Sophia…I love the colors you chose for this original work of art. The colors are peaceful and beautiful!
- France on May 18, 2023
Sophia, I always love your creativeness and this work is so sweet and very well composed. This would make a beautiful card to share with family and friends. Love and hugs, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on January 16, 2023
Sophia You continue to amaze me with your art projects. This gingerbread house is wonderful! Keep up your art work! You make the work more beautiful every time you create your art projects!! Pop Pop
- Lou on January 3, 2023
Sophia, I absolutely love this gingerbread house and background! It’s adorable and I love the details of the decorations and candy cane. Beautiful job, Sophia!
- Christina (Mother) on December 27, 2022
I love this sculpture, Sophia! You whole class did such amazing and intricate details on this cornucopia! I like all the tiny details! That took hard work and patience, I’ll bet!!! I can’t wait for Thanksgiving!!!
- Christina (Mother) on November 18, 2022
Sophia! I am so impressed with your Wizards artwork! I love the face of the wizard and his hat and robe. And I love all the stars surrounding him. Great work!
- FRANCE on November 9, 2022
Sophia Again you have demonstrated your wonderful talent in ART!!! This is beautiful!!! Love Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on November 9, 2022
What a happy little gingerbread person! Looks wonderful in our living room! I love the happy smile and welcoming arms!
- Christina (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Sophia, I really like this turkey and I am decorating our table again with it this year!
- Christina (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Love this fall apple, Sophia!! Looks juicy and delicious! And I like the table texture and background too. Makes the apple pop out! I want to eat an apple now!
- Christina (Mother) on November 1, 2022
This project is so fun to see! Love all the stars and the happy wizard in the center with the great eyes! Nice effort!
- Christina (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Sophia This is beautiful!!! Love Pop Pop
- Lou on October 19, 2022
Sophia This is beautiful!!! Love Pop Pop
- Lou on October 19, 2022
Sophia, I love your yellow chick just smelling the beautiful flower and looking sooo happy. I love all your artwork; you are creative, and your love of art shines through all that you do. Love and hugs, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on June 1, 2022
Sophia, This little chick is so darling! I love how she is bending over to stop and smell the flowers. I love her little feet and feathers. Wonderful project, Sophia! Cannot wait to bring our little chicks home!
- Mommy on May 18, 2022
Beautiful little bunny. So cute and adorable just like you. Love your sculptures and nice textures and shapes. Good job Sophia!
- Mom on April 20, 2022
Sophia, just like all these colorful magnificant hearts beating out all over the page, my heart explodes with love for you! This is such a great project and it pops out with enthusiasm and energy and love! Keep up all the creativity! Love, Mommy
- Christina (Mother) on February 15, 2022
Sophia! Hi! I am impressed with all of your artwork and I am especially fond of your gingerbread girl! I hope she adorned your Xmas tree this past Xmas! xoxo
- FRANCE on January 14, 2022
Sophia, And last but not least we come to this beautifully colored owl. You did a great job. The colors are well chosen and we look forward to enjoying more of your talent in the future. You are so creative. With all our love, Grandma and Opa
- Inga on December 29, 2021
Sophia, And now we come to your beautifully created turkey who looks very realistic and adorable at the same time. He is also a great decoration for any table at Thanksgiving. You never cease to amaze me with your talent. Keep up the good work. With love always, Grandma and Opa Inga
- Inga on December 29, 2021
Sophia, Your gingerbread girl is so precious. The designs on her dress are so original. Your artwork brings joy to my heart especially at this beautiful season of the year when we celebrate Christmas and we will look forward to seeing her on Christmas and of course the very special artist who created her. With love and hugs, Grandma and Opa too.Inga
- Inga on December 29, 2021
Sophia, I finally had a chance to check my emails and was unaware that you also had your artwork on the internet. I am thrilled and amazed how beautiful it is. This apple tree looks so real that I just want to pick an apple off the tree. You are a fantastic artist. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Opa
- Inga on December 29, 2021
I love this cute little gingerbread girl! She’s adorable and I love her dress!
- Christina (Mother) on December 17, 2021
Sophia I love this wonderful gingerbread work of art. Keep up the great work! Pop Pop
- Lou on December 17, 2021
What a great sculpture of a turkey, Sophia! It's so lifelike and detailed. Your art makes me smile. xo
- FRANCE on December 1, 2021
This turkey is so cute! I love all the texture in your sculpture! It will look fabulous on our Thanksgiving Day table. He looks like he’s going to gobble gobble gobble!
- Mom on December 1, 2021
This owl is colorful and looks like a good flier with those wings! Lovely job you did also on the colorful feathers!
- Christina (Mother) on November 10, 2021
Sophia, I love the colors and textures and shapes that you created to make this very cute owl!! What an excellent job that you did here! Love and hugs, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on November 10, 2021
I love this!!! Your use of colors and the expressions on the owl makes me smile!!!!!! Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on November 10, 2021
I love this!!! Your use of colors and the expressions on the owl makes me smile!!!!!! Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on November 10, 2021
Hi Sophia! This is so beautiful!! I love all the colors, textures and shapes that you created in this painting!! What a great apple tree. Love and hugs, Mom Mom
- Mom Mom on October 16, 2021
Sophia~You are quite an artist! I had no idea that you were so talented. This painting is beautiful and it reminds me of a tree I saw in an apple orchard a few years ago. Keep painting. You have such great artistic skills and you are so young. I can only imagine how good you will become as you get older and paint more. Most older kids and even adults can't paint as well as you.
- FRANCE on October 16, 2021
Sophia This is beautiful! I love the color and the wonderful textures in the grass and sky! You are a wonderful young artist! Love Pop Pop
- Lou on October 16, 2021
Holy Moly, Sophia! Your clouds look AMAZING! You worked so hard on this, and it’s simply beautiful! Cool texture in the grass too. I just want to pluck an apple off this tree! You’re quite an artist! So proud of you, sweetie!
- Christina (Mother) on October 10, 2021