Smith552's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Smith552's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Smith, That is a happy school of fish you drew! I wouldn’t even want to catch them with my fishing pole. Who is that green guy swimming in? Is he looking for a worm? Keep up the good work drawing. I like your pictures! Morfar
- Morfar on October 19, 2024
What a very cool school of fish you painted there Smith- the colors are fantastic and I love what’s going on in the background- I feel like there’s something going on here, too! You hooked me!
- Nana on October 19, 2024
Smith, if I close my eyes I can hear music coming from that guitar. Nice collage Love to you, Nana??
- Nana on February 28, 2024
Hi Smith, I liked your painting of boats and the water. Those waves look big! Is that Morfar’s boat out there? Looks like a rough ride. Good thing we’re seaworthy! Keep up the good art work. I like it!
- Morfar on February 28, 2024
Great job Smith!
- Gigi on December 27, 2023
Hey Chip, That is one good looking squirrel! Maybe us two chipmunks can follow him to his stash of acorns! We can share em buddy! Nuts to you, Morf
- Morfar on December 27, 2023
Hi Smith! Morf thinks you should call that guy the Blond Green Pig. He needs some food!
- Morfar on December 27, 2023
I like your latest artwork Smith-very cool!!! Would I meet this guy in space or on Halloween? Love you and MISS you, Nana
- Nana on December 27, 2023
Snowy village! I’d like to stay there for some skiing!
- Morfar on December 27, 2023
Hi Smith, What a colorful critter! I’m calling him a happy slug who found a carrot. He can’t wait for a bite! Keep up that drawing?? You have a good eye
- Morfar on December 27, 2023
Smith, when I saw this latest piece of artwork of yours, I knew I had to have it!! You'll have to help me pick out the right size and everything so I can hang it on the wall in my bedroom. I love driving up to the mountains with Aunt Dre-we can see the snowcapped mtns from far away, and your picture makes me think of the mountains here in Colorado. I especially like all your details. I love the stars that light up the night sky, and when it snows. Tell me what made you create this great piece of artwork and the awesome wildlife that is front and center!!
- Nana on May 1, 2023
Wow Smith! That is really good!! That big ol Bear has some nice scenery to wander in. Keep painting pictures. You’re good!
- Morfar on May 1, 2023
Wow Smith! That is really good!! That big ol Bear has some nice scenery to wander in. Keep painting pictures. You’re good!
- Morfar on May 1, 2023
Wow Smith! That is really good!! That big ol Bear has some nice scenery to wander in. Keep painting pictures. You’re good!
- Morfar on May 1, 2023
Nice job on that Owl Smith. He looks like he’s looking right through me!
- Morfar on May 1, 2023
Bunny Boy! I bet that little guy is smooth to the touch. I like that shiny glazing. Maybe you could do a chubby Chihuahua with a chipmunk face??. Morf
- Morfar on March 31, 2023
Good job Smith! Every guy has a different expression of how they are feeling. I like the happy guy! Keep up the good work Morfar
- Morfar on February 26, 2023
Is that the Easter bunny coming my way? He’s a cute little guy. Well done Smithers! Morf
- Morfar on February 26, 2023
Great bunny drawing Smith! Is he looking for Easter eggs already? ?? Love the colors of the sky too! XO
- Gigi on February 26, 2023
Nice shapes Smith! That looks like a tree in Winter. Morfar loves trees! Keep up the good work Buddy Boy! Love you. Morf
- Morfar on February 26, 2023
Smith, This is my favorite tree to look at now! I like how you learned to mix some of these colors yourself, and the detail is terrific. Keep growing artistically!
- Nana on February 26, 2023
Hi Smith, that guy looks like a Martian! Maybe you can draw his space ship. Keep up the good work buddy!
- Morfar on November 16, 2022
Nice job Smith! It reminds me of Springtime! Draw some more for us buddy??
- Morfar on November 16, 2022
Smith, this is a GREAT self-portrait of you! I'm so impressed with your artistic skills. And it looks like you are ready for sports again-I love this and can't wait to have a copy hanging in my apartment!! Love and miss you, Nana
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Great job on the painting Smith. Well done! I can’t wait for you to tell me about it. Morfar
- Morfar on April 15, 2022
Smith, what a beautiful picture! I love all the colors you used. You are such a talented artist! Love you Gigi
- Gigi on March 24, 2022
Hi Smith, Your heart is like fireworks! I like the colors and the way you brought them out inside. Draw some more buddy!
- Morfar on March 24, 2022
Smith, I LOVE your latest artwork-it makes me feel like I want to wrap the whole world in the beautiful heart you've created!!! I like all the colors you chose and seeing it makes me miss you and your special smile, lots of love, Nana
- Nanci on March 16, 2022
Smith! I love this - great job!
- Stacia (Mother) on October 14, 2021
This is so cool Smith! Great coloring!
- Stacia (Mother) on October 12, 2021