Michael62783's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Michael62783's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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MJ, This picture reminds me of an old saying: Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning! Definitely looks like a red sky morning with the size of those waves!
- Uncle Tim on May 8, 2024
I like how you included the parts of a song, the music and instrument, just like a song is written in pieces, then combined for the final product.
- Uncle Tim on May 8, 2024
MJ. Love this! Want to listen to some guitar music! Forever Love Grammy
- Grams(fan) on May 8, 2024
Really love this Snowman MJ! the depth it shows with the shadowing is amazing work. You are really developing your art skills! Keep up the great work!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
MJ, I real love the snowman! You are a very good artist! Love Grams
- Grams(fan) on February 15, 2024
MJ, Great depth of field on those pumpkins. I love the shadowing effect you were able to achieve and all the bright stars in the sky! You know, all great works of art have titles, so you need to start adding a title to your artwork when you finish. For this one, I think The Great Pumpkin would be perfect. Nice job and keep up the good work. I always look forward to see what you've been creating in your art class time! Love you buddy!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
You captured van Gogh, starry, starry night in the depth with your pumpkins! Love it! Grammie
- Grams on February 15, 2024
Hi MJ, Your squirrel looks like he’s gathering up some nuts for the winter! Nice drawing. Hope you are having some warm fall weather! It was in the 80’s here in South Bend today 10/24/23. Which set a recorded for this date! Love you, Grams
- Grams on February 15, 2024
MJ, is that your Halloween costume? I love it! It reminds me of my childhood when I used to be called 4-eyes! Nice Job Bud!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
MJ love your friendly scary monster! Uncle Andy could use him for the Huckaby haunted trail! Love, Grams
- Shirley on February 15, 2024
Hi MJ, I love the colorful Lizard. I think I saw one just like it while I was hiking in the Grand Canyon with your Dad!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
Hi MJ, Love the butterfly. Is it a Monarch Butterfly? Those are pretty rare these days, but yours is very authentic! Nice Job!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
MJ, Great Job on the bunny hopping down the hill! I didn't know bunnies like to take selfies too!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
MJ this is so well done! I am very much in aw at your talent! Love ya and miss you, Gramme
- Grammie Shirley on February 5, 2023
LOOVVVEEE the snowmen MJ. So many different emotions expressed! The one with the headphones on must be playing his new keyboard! Hope to see you real soon and hear you tickle the ivories!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
You gave Grammy a real LOL today! These snowmen have some great expressions! Very proud of you, you did a great job.love you.
- Grammie on February 15, 2024
I don't know what a Yayoi Kusama pumpkin is, but it looks like you had a lot of fun making it. Very intricate details in your design MJ. Can't wait for the Christmas artwork to come out!
- Uncle Tim on February 15, 2024
Nice work on the Fall scene MJ. I didn't know that you could grow pumpkins on a tree? I think you better get started on a winter scene though!
- Uncle Tim on February 5, 2023
MJ You did a great job incorporating all the colors of Fall in your owl's feathers. I love all the details around the border you included. I especially like that your owl has two different colored eyes. Yours and Matthew's are the only two owls in the entire class that have that unique feature. That makes it really special. You're creativity and artistic talents amaze me! Hope to see you again soon. Give Hank a brotherly hug for me! Love you.
- Uncle Tim on November 2, 2022
Love the picture of the owl!
- Grammie Shirley?? on November 2, 2022
Wonderful artwork MJ. Your abstract pet reminds me of the Mosaic image on the Notre Dame Library. Touchdown Jesus! Very colorful too!
- Uncle Tim on November 2, 2022
Nice Job MJ on the self portrait. Looks like you're out for a walk on a beautiful spring day in the park.
- Uncle Tim on November 2, 2022
Love the feather MJ! Thanks for sharing your art work with me! Love, hugs and kisss, Grams
- Grams on November 2, 2022
Nice job on the birdbath MJ! That looks like the Bluebird of Happiness ready to dive right in! I bet you had fun working with the clay.
- Uncle Tim on November 2, 2022
MJ, Your bear is awesome! Love the colorful scarf and crooked little smile. Aunt Sandy says I'm like a bear in the morning sometimes. How about we call him TimmyBear? He even has hair on his head like mine too!
- Uncle TimmyBear. on November 2, 2022
MJ- I love all of your artwork but this is by far my favorite! What an adorable bear you drew! We should give him a name ?? love you buddy! Love Mom
- Megan (Mother) on March 21, 2022
MJ, Love the heart and how you blended the warm and cool colors together. My favorite part is the background and how it changes from warm red to orange to pink as it circles around the heart. Makes me think of an Anna Maria Island sunset! The splashes of warm red in the cool blue center are a nice touch too!
- Uncle Tim on March 21, 2022
Hi MJ, I think you should title it "Winter Storm". Looks like the roof blew off that house on the left! Certainly not Florida weathe. I miss those donuts! Love you, keep up the great work!
- Uncle Tim on February 16, 2022
MJ.I think the collage is really cool. Now all we need is some fish in a lake and a fishing pole because they look like cottages on a lake. Thank you for sharing your art work with me. ?? Grams.
- Grams on February 16, 2022
I love all the textures of the tree and how you blended the different shades of color around it. Nice Job MJ!
- Uncle Tim on January 19, 2022
MJ- Luke's girlfriend Maddy's favorite flower is the sunflower! I'll have to send her your painting. Very well done!
- Uncle Tim on November 24, 2021
Dear MJ, I enjoyed your flower artwork. Very beautiful!
- Grams on November 22, 2021
Beautiful flowers! Keep having fun with art.
- Grams on November 22, 2021
Great job using your watercolors MJ! I’m so proud of you!
- Megan on November 20, 2021
Love the colors and your attention to detail honey! Ladybugs are good luck :)) Love, Mom
- Megan (Mother) on November 5, 2021
MJ, I love the lady bugs!??Grams
- Grams on November 5, 2021
Hey MJ! Those Lady Bugs are Spot On! LOL I hope you're having a great day and I can't wait to see you again! Keep sending me these great pictures you're making. Love them!
- Uncle Tim on November 5, 2021
Hi MJ, Great job on the pumpkins and Crow! Hope to see some more art from you.
- Uncle Tim(fan) on October 13, 2021
Thank you for the art work! Love being in your fan club. ??
- GRAMS on October 13, 2021
Very proud of you buddy! I love the way you drew the monster and his eyes, nose and mouth :) Great work- keep It up!
- Megan (Mother) on October 5, 2021