Papa W. I like the interesting colors. Good job on the trees !
- Gramma on June 14, 2023
Great job, very imaginative.
- Gramma Shell on April 15, 2023
Wow!! Emma, I love all your art but this is my favorite piece! As we share a love of books, I have a story forming on how this book was “altered”.
- Gramma on April 15, 2023
Poppa Dave. I really like this picture It reminds me of you and your brothers !
- Gramma on April 15, 2023
Emma, Beautiful job! It remlnds me of a kaleidoscope!! Love all your art work. You are very talented!!
- Gramma on February 8, 2023
Grandpa thinks this newest artwork is very interesting to look at. I like it ! ??
- Gramma on February 8, 2023
Love your interpretation of self. I likehow you put the beach and the trees behind you. Great job
- Gramma Shell on February 8, 2023
I love the idea to frame this, I think this would be great if you had Artsonia print on the metal board. Please share with me if you do so I can see the quality! If you choose to print this way, we could include it in the art show along with the regular printed work. I had some art printed on the poster size paper by Artsonia and the quality was fantastic!
- Tracy (teacher at Doolittle School) on January 25, 2023
Super impressed, Emma. We should frame this for home!
- Mom on January 16, 2023
Emma, What a great job with this picture! Bet you had fun doing it, too! Love Grandma and Papa R
- Linda on January 16, 2023
Wow ! A very nice picture. Great job
- Pappa on January 16, 2023
Great job. Love the way the lighter tubes wrap around the darker tubes.
- Gramma Shell on January 4, 2023
Emma! Nicely done detail. Especially like all the triangles. Grandma Roman
- Grandma Roman on November 23, 2022
Looks like the edge of a fancy rug or bed cover . Very intricate .??????
- Grandpa David on November 23, 2022
Looks like the edge of a fancy rug or bed cover . Very intricate .??????
- Grandpa David on November 23, 2022
Emma, looks like you could slide down a couple of these columns! How fun would that be ?? Grandma Linda
- Grandma on November 2, 2022
Your perspective is unbelievable, you make me very proud.
- Gramma Shell on October 12, 2022
Great job Emma, you are quite the artist
- Gramma Shell on August 3, 2022
It came out great. Isn't paper mache different to work with? I remember making a huge sculpture in my 4th grade classroom. Our teacher, Mr. Guite, hung it from the ceiling!
- Jaime (Mother) on March 15, 2022
Great job, very impressive.
- Gramma Shell on March 16, 2022
Hi Emma, This is a great piece. I read that your least favorite part was adding the color but it looks beautiful! Working with papier mache is not easy! Keep up the great work. Love your design "eye"!!
- Gramma on March 16, 2022
I absolutely love this! I hope you bring it home so I can frame it.
- Jaime (Mother) on March 2, 2022
Great job Emma, I know this was a challenge for you,. I am always impressed with your creativity.
- Gramma Shell on January 5, 2022
Great job Emma, it looks like it was a challenge but it worked well. I am very impressed with your work.
- Gramma Shell on January 5, 2022
Emma! Love this pattern and the colors! It’s beautiful ?? Live Grandma and Papa R
- Grandma on November 24, 2021
Emma this is totally my favorite! Great colors & design!!
- Gramma on November 10, 2021
One of my favorites so far! ??
- Jaime (Mother) on November 9, 2021
Emma, I am very impressed with your newest artwork. So Papa Paul said that he found it very intuitive , futuristic. Great lines and symmetry.
- Gramma Shell on November 10, 2021
Emma, My favorite color. Shading it like that reminds me of waves you see at the ocean! Love Grandma and Papa R
- Linda(fan) on October 27, 2021
Emma! Your art work always amazes me!! Keep working hard!! Love, Gramma & Poppa W
- Gramma on October 13, 2021
Great job shading, Emma. My favorite blue is the one in the middle. It reminds me of the sea. ??mom
- Jaime (Mother) on October 5, 2021
Emma, I am so impressed with your artwork, you are very artistic. Look forward to seeing more of your work throughout the year. Love you, Gramma Shell