Oh my goodness!! Maggie is going to love this one!! Flamingos are her favorite!!!!! Great job Jack!!
- Auntie Melissa on June 21, 2023
Love great job
- Ann Marie on May 27, 2023
Love this owl Jack!!! Purple is my favorite color!! I like all the shapes and numbers in the design too!! Great job!
- Auntie Melissa on May 27, 2023
Beautiful flowers nice job
- Ann Marie on April 12, 2023
I love all these colorful birds Jack!!!! You are such a good artist!!!
- Melissa on March 29, 2023
Great job jack love grandma
- Ann Marie(fan) on March 29, 2023
Jack- I love your firefly painting!!!! I bet you and Luke could catch lots of fireflies this summer in your backyard!!! Great job!!!! Love Auntie Melissa XO