WOw, that owl looks hungry. I love that he is in the middle of the woods. Well done, grandson!
- Beba on October 16, 2024
I love this interesting Gnome home. Looks like a giant mushroom. The smoke coming out of the chimney is so fun to see. Lots of attention to details. The open window is also well done.
- Beba on October 16, 2024
I could imagine this as a quilt Well done, following directions. I like the bright colors, too.
- Beba on October 16, 2024
That gumball machine is full of interesting items. Wish you were here to tell me what items are in it. Very imaginative.
- Beba on October 16, 2024
That is one big dinosaur. You sure filled up the spaces around him. I like all the teeth and claws.
- Beba on October 16, 2024
wow, you sure made a spiney cactus. It looks like from the bottom of the sea and up to the sky. I like the red curly top. Tricky to cut out. Nice art work.
- Beba on December 6, 2023
I think there is a story with this painting. I like your choice of colors.
- Beba on December 6, 2023
this is a blue polka dot blueberry pumpkin. I can almost smell the blueberries. Loving it!
- Beba on October 25, 2023
This was another interesting piece of art. I liked your snipping, folding and curling of the papers. Nice touch with the pops of blue and orange colors.
- Beba on October 4, 2023
Oh, my, that is quite an interesting picture that you made with glue and chalk. I love the colors you chose.
- Beeba on October 4, 2023
A very special crown. Used lots of colors and kept the pattern going. Well done.
- Beeba on May 31, 2023
So clever to see that butterfly searching for pollen on your flowers. Great job, Brennan.
- Beeba on May 31, 2023
It took me awhile to find the letters hidden inside this picture. How very clever of you. Way to go!
- Beeba on May 31, 2023
That shows a lot of fish. Interesting fins and teeth on them. looks like you got to paint. Fun picture.
- Beeba on April 19, 2023
Oh wow. Your snail looks so real. Good job modeling it.
- Beeba on April 19, 2023
Your grumpy monkey is so unhappy about something. He sure is hairy as well.
- Beba on April 19, 2023
It reminds me of an ice cream sundae with a chocolate chip on top. And someone is trying to grab it away pulling that string. I really like the colors you chose to use.
- Beeba on April 19, 2023
I know this is using only skin tone colors. You sure filled up the space on the paper. But when I first saw it, I thought it was a very deep dark cave!
- Beba on April 19, 2023
Look at those big eyes. This penguin looks like a very wise bird. Maybe he knows he is safer on the ice instead of in the sea at this moment. Well done, Brennan!
- Beeba on January 18, 2023
Reminds me of an elf. Nice beard and colorful hat. Well done.
- Beeba on January 18, 2023
How did you make this pine tree? Nicely done.
- Beeba on December 21, 2022
What a tall pine tree! It looks so real with snow falling on it.
- Beeba on December 14, 2022
I like how you filled up the spaces with details. So underwater creature from the dinosaur days. Very interesting and creative. Love it!
- Beba on November 23, 2022
Wow, I am impressed with the angles and shapes you included. I like it very much.
- Beeba on November 2, 2022
This is quite interesting picture. It looks like it is in 3D.
- Beeba on October 26, 2022
This must be one of my favorite lemons. Looks good enough to squeeze into my ice water. Yummy!
- Beba on October 5, 2022
This must have taken a long time to complete. I like your different colors and the turtle's blue face.