LillyKate8's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about LillyKate8's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job LK!! You are such a good artist!!
- Dad on December 17, 2021
Your ghost looks like he’s saying Booooo! God job!
- Rachel on December 17, 2021
Very creative! You are such a little artist!
- Rachel on December 5, 2021
You did such a good job on that flamingo and butterfly! So pretty!
- Rachel on December 5, 2021
What a cute train! Ben would love to take a ride on it with you to the North Pole! Good job Lily Kate! Love you!
- Rachel on December 5, 2021
Beautiful job! That ice cream looks fun and so yummy! I would like to take a bite of the rainbow flavor! Love, Mommy
- Rachel (Mother) on September 28, 2021