Lucas24140's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Lucas24140's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice work Luke. Grandpa
- Peter on November 29, 2023
That’s the way to go. Great.
- Peter on November 29, 2023
Great job looks very colorful. Grandpa
- Peter on May 17, 2023
Great job looks very colorful. Grandpa
- Peter on May 17, 2023
This is great art, keep it up Lucas. Grandpa
- Peter on April 5, 2023
Keep up the good work, Lucas Love, Grandpa
- Peter on April 5, 2023
Great work Lucas. Grandpa
- Peter on November 9, 2022
Lucas Good work drawing geometric designs. Grandpa
- Peter on February 9, 2022