Benjamin27661's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Benjamin27661's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A nice piece of art. Fascinating. I like it Ben!
- Raymond on December 6, 2023
It's great. I really like it. There is definite talent here.
- Raymond - Grandpa on December 6, 2023
Could be a scene from a Nintendo game.
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
This is a painting of the red fish which is the only fish in their aquarium.
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
What's the weather? What's the weather? What's the weather like today!
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
This is a game of checkers or chess which we have played. Ben is very good at these games.
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
I like all of Benjamin's work. He is very smart.
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
Very colorful and artistic. We love our grandson.
- Raymond on April 26, 2023
Very good art from only a second grader. I'm proud of my grandson.
- Raymond - Grandpa on April 26, 2023
This is a wonderful mixture of colors. You might call it a multiuniverse. Mario would be proud!
- Raymond (Grandpa) on May 25, 2022
Keep up the good work Ben. Grandpa is watching.
- Raymond (Grandpa) on November 17, 2021
This could be a Picasso! Your Dad will explain this.
- Raymond(fan) on November 10, 2021
Wow...what an imagination!
- Raymond(fan) on November 10, 2021
ohh scary monsters, good job buddy!
- Scott (Father) on November 9, 2021