Reagan, I really appreciate the perspective shown in this painting. Some of your favorite places, I see, are Target, Justice, Publix and the Red Roof Inn; but where is the Dollar Tree or Monkey Joe's? The clouds are very realistic with the darker colors high and the lighter ones low. Your perspective with the trees in the foreground and the mountains in the background is also, excellent. The parking lots and shadows are also quite clear. And, Target does have the largest parking lot. You should be proud of your skills and ability to express yourself visually. -- Pa Pa
- on October 8, 2014
Reagan, this is beautiful! I love the picture and squares and circles, and ovals. Pa Pa
- on February 4, 2009
Your picture is wonderful and reminds me of our good times on the lake. Love, MeHope
- on November 22, 2008
The pastel colors make me feel warm. I really like the details in the leaf. What do you call it?
- on December 3, 2007
Great job! Grandma
- on November 30, 2007
Your picture is beautiful.
- on November 30, 2007
Reagan, I love you spider web and little spiders. Your art is really improving and I think you WILL be an artist when you get big! I love you, Gramm