Riley26191's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Riley26191's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a beautiful colorful bird!! GREAT JOB!! I think you should name him. What do you think would be a good name?
- Grammy Stryker on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley I LOVE this!! This looks like the mountains where Grammy lives. AWESOME job
- Grammy Stryker on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley, This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL ??. Grammy loves hearts and I love all the colors you used. EXCELLENT JOB! Grammy Stryker
- Donna on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley, This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL ??. Grammy loves hearts and I love all the colors you used. EXCELLENT JOB! Grammy Stryker
- Donna on September 18, 2024 NEW
OMG he is so cute, I love the scarf.
- Grandma on September 18, 2024 NEW
Beautiful bright colored mittens Riley. Grammy needs to get a pair like those.
- Grammy on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley, this is very good I almost thought it was real. Great job, keep up the good work.
- Grandma on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley, AWESOME job on the scarecrow. I love it!!! Grammy
- Donna on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley you did an awesome job with those fish. Some of them look like fish Grammy and Jaime saw while we were snorkeling on vacation. Very colorful.
- Grammy on September 18, 2024 NEW
Riley, We loved the Pelicans so much we ordered a print and now have it as artwork on our wall in Florida. We also ordered your goldfish and crab to put on our wall too. Great job.
- Grandma and Grandpa on August 2, 2023
What a great looking crab Riley. I love crabs ??
- Donna ( Grammy Stryker) on August 2, 2023
Meow Meow......good job
- Donna ( Grammy Stryker) on August 2, 2023
GREAT job on the turkey Riley. We have been seeing alot of turkeys at our house.
- Donna ( Grammy Stryker) on August 2, 2023
GREAT job on the turkey Riley. We have been seeing alot of turkeys at our house.
- Donna ( Grammy Stryker) on August 2, 2023
Nice Fish. They look like something we would see swimming in the lake.
- Donna on May 3, 2023
Riley I LOVE this picture ?? Grammy Stryker
- Grammy Stryker on May 3, 2023
Good Job Riley!!! We love this especially all the hearts. Jaime and Grammy
- Grammy Stryker on May 3, 2023
This was awesome, we love your bear pictures.
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 3, 2023
- Donna on May 3, 2023
Cutest little penguin ?? love it good job ?? Riley
- Heidi (Mother) on February 1, 2023
The penguin is awesome. Great work.
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 1, 2023
Very Creative.
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 1, 2023
What an awesome Turkey, I love him.!!! You did such a wonderful job. If he needs a home, I think Grandpa would take real good care of him.
- Grandma on February 1, 2023
Scary Jack O Lantern
- Grammy Stryker on October 19, 2022
Scary Jack O Lantern
- Grammy Stryker on October 19, 2022
Cute jack-o-lantern keep up the good work
- Heidi (Mother) on October 18, 2022
Riley, Good job!!! I LOVE your flag and am having a t shirt made of it. Love, Grammy Stryker
- Donna on June 8, 2022
Riley, Good job!!! I LOVE your flag and am having a t shirt made of it. Love, Grammy Stryker
- Donna on June 8, 2022
Very nicely done. Very 4th of July.
- Grandma and Grandpa on June 8, 2022
Very nicely done. Very 4th of July.
- Grandma and Grandpa on June 8, 2022
Riley, we need to take a trip to the ice cream parlor (TICP) soon. This is making me hungry. Nicely done.
- David on June 8, 2022
YUMMY.....Looks like cotton candy, birthday cake and mint chocolate chip icecream. You will have to tell Grammy what kind it is and we will go get an icecream cone like that ??????
- Donna on June 8, 2022
This is beautiful, keep up the good work. Very creative
- Grandma on June 8, 2022
Riley, this is awesome. Love it. Warmth for a chilly night.
- Dave on May 4, 2022
Save this one for me, I love it
- Grandma on April 29, 2022
Perfect pose of the Easter bunny, I hope he did not eat all the chocolate. I think he is ready to play hide and seek.
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
Love this. It is currently sitting in Grandpa's office.
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
Great work, I am very proud of you. Can not wait to see more.
- Grandma on April 28, 2022