Gavin26196's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Gavin26196's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it Gavin! This is one of my favorites. -grandma
- Donna on May 22, 2024
Love this. Makes me think of spring. Great job Gavin
- Grandma on April 24, 2024
Great job, Gav! There's so much going on in this! So good!
- Chris (Father) on April 23, 2024
Great job, Gav!!! You have so much talent and this made me smile! So proud of you bud! Love, Dad!
- Chris (Father) on February 13, 2024
This is so good, Gav! Very proud of you and in awe of your talent!
- Dad on March 1, 2023
Gavin this is great!!!! You have such a special talent. Love, grandma
- Donna on June 15, 2022
Great job Gav!!! Every picture tells a story....
- Grandma on April 20, 2022
Great job Gav!!! Every picture tells a story....
- Grandma on April 20, 2022
Love this one gavin!!! Great job!!
- Grandma on January 5, 2022
So talented! Great job Gav
- Donna(fan) on November 18, 2021
Great Job, Gavin!!! So proud!! Love, Dad
- Chris (Father) on October 6, 2021