Lucas24551's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Lucas24551's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is beautiful Lucas. I love the purple sky contrasting with plain coloring of the flower! I love the bee too!!
- Daddy on April 17, 2024
This is so cute! Good job Lucas!!
- Daddy on April 17, 2024
Ohh so pretty
- Jaimi (Mother) on February 20, 2024
I love it Lucas!
- Jaimi (Mother) on October 17, 2023
So adorable!!
- Jaimi (Mother) on September 19, 2023
Great picture!! This is my favorite!!
- Billy on January 31, 2024
Cool jelly fish Lucas!
- Daddy on January 31, 2024
Awh so lovely!
- Jaimi (Mother) on April 14, 2023
This is amazing Lucas. Great job!
- Daddy on January 31, 2024
Is that a vortex to another galaxy?!? Love it!
- Billy on April 5, 2023
Year of the rabbit!! Good job Lucas.
- Billy on April 5, 2023
Awh, I love this Lucas. Good job Lucas, you are very curative
- Jaimi (Mother) on February 13, 2023
Good job Lucas
- Jaimi (Mother) on November 29, 2022
Good job on the different hands buddy!!
- Billy on February 8, 2023
Love the background!
- Billy on February 8, 2023
Sooo much work went into this. love it
- Jaimi (Mother) on June 28, 2022
I Love it! Soooo cute! WAY TO GO LUCAS!
- Jaimi (Mother) on June 7, 2022