Dylan39146's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Dylan39146's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a wonderful picture of your family, Dylan. I love it.
- Gooma on October 4, 2023
What a wonderful owl, Dylan! I like the way you created texture in your drawing. And I love those big eyes! Well done my little artist!
- Gooma on December 14, 2022
I love this artwork, Dylan. It reminds me of work by a famous artist, Piet Mondrian. We can look at pictures of his artwork. Keep up the fantastic work!
- Gooma on December 14, 2022
What a beautiful design you created with the rings of a tree and the colors are warm and lovely. ??
- Gooma on December 14, 2022
I love this doggie! He’s special! Beautiful artwork!
- Gooma on November 9, 2022
Another wonderful drawing, Dylan. ??
- Gooma on November 9, 2022
I love all the fun lines in this work and the choice of colors between really shows off the different lines beautifully. Nice work, Dylan! ??
- Gooma on October 20, 2021
Beautiful artwork, Dylan. I love your choice of colors and the composition is nicely balanced. Well done!
- Gooma on October 20, 2021