Marc2125's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Marc2125's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the symmetry!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 8, 2024
This dragon looks so fun!!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 8, 2024
The shapes, colours and textures are wonderful! Keep the amazing creative work, my love!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 8, 2024
The texture feeling is amazing!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 8, 2024
I love how you use the colours!
- Victoria on February 8, 2024
Loving the colors!
- Victoria (Mother) on September 20, 2023
OMG I love it!!
- Victoria on September 20, 2023
Go on developing your art skills, my boy! Love, Your Auntie.
- Lulu on November 23, 2022
My favorite artist ever! I love you, my talented nephew
- Lulu on November 16, 2022
OMG!!! My nephew is a true artist! I'm so happy you enjoy art so much, my precious boy! I'm so proud of you.
- Lulu on November 16, 2022