Emma1628's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Emma1628's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ahoj Emmka!!! Som pysna na tvoju dalsiu pracu.Je velmi zaujimava a tvoriva. Hi baby! I am so a proud of your work.The modern design is very interesting .Great combo of colors.Love this art work! love mommy
- on February 6, 2009
Hi Emmka Once again i would like to tell you how proud i am. I like every single picture so far and i really like the blue shirt with your drawing on it. P.S: I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH From: Tatik
- on May 15, 2008
Great art work Emmka!!!! Keep up with good work.I am really a proud of you!!! Way the go!!!
- on April 3, 2008
Very nice Emmka! You are really good at art. Draw something for me, please. miki
- on April 2, 2008
Isn't it Van Gogh? Bravo!
- on April 2, 2008
It is looks like Picasso. Great!
- on April 2, 2008
hi Emmka. these are the nicest pictures i have ever seen in my life. im very, very proud of you and i cant wait to see more of your pictures. i will tell everybody about your collection so you will have lots of visitors P.S: i love you very much from: Tatik
- on April 2, 2008