Rowan3946's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Rowan3946's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is absolutely incredible! I couldn’t love it any more! I especially love how you made it your own with the Mickeys, the basketball hoop and Nike logo. Nice touch, Rowan! So proud of you, as always!
- Cheri on June 28, 2023
Love this one Rowan!
- Grandpa Gary on February 8, 2023
Great design. Love your color sense. You’re a great artist! Love,
- Grandpa Gary on February 8, 2023
This picture reminds me of when you made 14 Valentines for our dog, Lexi! Keep spreading the love my sweet boy, the world needs it!
- Cheri on March 23, 2022
Rowan, I love your snowman! It looks so happy, just like you! I love how the button on the bottom looks like a smiley face. Beautiful job!
- Laura (Mother) on February 3, 2022
This snowman is beautiful! I love all the colors, and I especially love that you snuck a little rainbow in at the bottom. Great job Rowan!! Momma absolutely loves it!!
- Cheri on February 3, 2022
This snowman is beautiful! I love all the colors, and I especially love that you snuck a little rainbow in at the bottom. Great job Rowan!! Momma absolutely loves it!!
- Cheri on February 3, 2022
Rowan, It is beautiful!
- Laura (Mother) on January 11, 2022
Great job Rowan! What a beautiful fish!
- Cheri on November 10, 2021