Jackson32181's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Jackson32181's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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AMAZING! Love your self portrait, Jackson! xxoo, Grandma Trish
- Grandma on May 16, 2024
How crazy! Cool-looking “crazy bird”! xxoo,
- Grandma Trish on May 16, 2024
Lovely pointillism picture — a sailboat on a river in a park setting — very peaceful. Thanks for sharing, Jackson! xxoo, grandma T.
- Grandma Trish on March 15, 2024
I love the Saints! Great job! ;-)
- Amy (Mother) on January 24, 2024
Beautiful! xxoo, grandma T
- Grandma Trish on January 24, 2024
Spooky! But in a good way, Jackson. Happy Halloween! :-D
- Grandma Trish on November 25, 2023
Wow! What brilliant and vivid colors, Jackson! Grandma loves your sunset picture!
- Grandma Trish on November 25, 2023
Jackson, the snake wrapped around the tree is so scary! Is it hunting for food? You are a terrific artist! Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Jackson, we certainly need to discuss this painting...it is so unique and can be interpreted so many ways. I love it! Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Jackson, I love this art! Your artwork is fabulous! I especially like this vase...a still life. Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Beautiful sailboats in the beautiful atlantic ocean. We have seen so many sail boats and big ships. You are an awesome artist. Love Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Jackson, this painting reminds me of the beautiful vacations we've shared in Georgia, on the beach. Especially all those beautiful sunsets and sunrise. Love your artwork. Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Jackson! Your artwork of the aquarium with fish is beautiful!!! You are awesome. Love Nana Naydene
- Naydene on July 4, 2023
Great picture, Jackson! Your use of colors in the sky brings a smile to my face :) Love, grandma Trish
- Grandma Trish on June 21, 2023
Jackson - I just LOVE your “snake on a tree” watercolor! Hugs, grandma
- Grandma Trish on February 8, 2023
What a great perspective of an early sailing ship - with all those sails billowing, full of wind! I can almost feel the ship sailing upon the open sea! -xxoo, grandma T.
- Grandma Trish on November 17, 2022
Beautiful picture, Jackson! xxoo, grandma Trish
- Grandma Trish on June 22, 2022
Jackson, I love your goldfish bowl and all of the details!
- Amy (Mother) on March 9, 2022
Love your use of color, Jackson! This definitely has a dreamy, watery look - great job! xxoo, grandma T :)
- Grandma Trish on March 9, 2022