You did it again, Graham! I love your newest work. The background is colorful with fun shapes. Adding the overlay of the three white cutout pieces is fun and interesting. I like seeing the pretty colors peeking out from them. Well done!
- Jeanne on February 28, 2025
Beautiful work, Graham! You have represented the stunning skyline of Chicago in an awesome picture! Every time I drive to the city, those buildings make me feel proud. Your picture also makes me proud of you!
- Jeanne on February 28, 2025
Graham,that is a Great drawing of a CARROT!! Hahaha
- Grandpa Ran on November 21, 2024
Your pictures are always wonderful for me to see. The chalk you used shows a lot of texture…like pumpkins have. And the second pumpkin you drew is a great addition to the picture. Hoping you have a very fun Halloween this year!
- Jeanne on November 21, 2024
Very nice artwork Graham!!! Love you ! Grandpa Ron. ??????????
- Ron on November 21, 2024
Graham, Your still life picture is intriguing to me and I am very proud of you! Each of the balls in the bowl are well done. Each one is different and interesting. And the picture on the wall is a nice addition to the entire composition. Congratulations on a very nice job!
- Grandma on June 26, 2024
Your chair is perfect in every way! The colors draw everyone to take a look at it. And it looks like there are some fun things to do if you sit on that chair. Great job, Graham! Keep up the good work.
- Jeanne on May 15, 2024
Graham, Your bubble dog looks like fun! If we all could float in the air, what a different and fun world we would have! It looks like your bubble dog feels the same way. Keep up the good work! Love to see your good ideas! Grandma
- Jeanne on May 15, 2024
Great job big Graham!
- Grandpa Ron on May 15, 2024
Hi Graham! The colors in your polar bear picture blend beautifully. You also made the snow coming down look very real. And the polar bear appears to be looking directly at me! But he is not scary. I think you did a beautiful job with this picture! Keep it up.
- Jeanne on January 24, 2024
Graham you decorated the most beautiful cake!! I see you have two candles so I don’t think it was for Gigi but there is a slice missing so perhaps the other 67 candles were there. It looks like a red velvet cake! Congratulations on having your artwork on display. You are so talented!! Love!
- Leslie on January 24, 2024
Yum! Your chocolate cake looks delicious! Also, you have done a very nice job giving the cake dimension. It is nice to look down on the cake from above, and to look at the delicious chocolate, and maybe fudge inside! My mouth is watering for a piece! Well done, Graham! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- Jeanne on January 24, 2024
Graham, Your artwork is always interesting and all the ways you handle the details in your work are fun for me to see. The owl is confidently sitting on a branch, and he looks like he can see everything around him. The colors are very fun for an owl in the fall. Keep up the good work!
- Jeanne on January 24, 2024
- Ron on September 28, 2023
Well done, Graham! The “collage” of music outside the guitar makes me think of all the types of songs and lyrics that can be played and enjoyed on your guitar. Thanks for sharing!
- Grandma on September 28, 2023
Very Nice job Graham!!!Love you !!!??????
- Grandpa Ron on August 9, 2023
Love your ideas and colors, Graham! I wish I could see those colors around the moon each evening! Great job! Grandma
- Jeanne on August 9, 2023
Cool picture, Graham! 'Tis the season for butterflies to be very busy. I am going to be on the lookout for a monarch butterfly that is similar to yours!
- Jeanne on August 9, 2023
You are a very good artist, Graham! The detail in the ears of the bear make the bear seem real to me. Also love his colorful patchwork scarf. Good for you!
- Jeanne on May 5, 2023
The use of different shapes in this picture is very cool! The colors that you use are vivid and beautiful. How nice they all blend together in your work. Congratulations!
- Jeanne on May 5, 2023
Great job! The picture reminds me of falling or floating in space. Thankfully, your feet and hands appear to be able to break your fall. Keep up the good work, Graham!
- Jeanne on May 5, 2023
Dear Graham, Your new picture is delightful! It looks like an angel to me who is ready to play some games. I love the pastel wash of colors in the background. What a nice job you do!
- Jeanne on March 13, 2023
I love your snowman Graham. It looks like you used a carrot for the nose and used coal for the mouth and eyes. You did a fabulous job!
- Gigi on December 28, 2022
Your picture of “creepy carrots” is awesome! You have great shadows from the full moon behind the carrots. Do you remember the book “Creepy Carrots” that we have read? You have done an awesome job!
- Jeanne on November 16, 2022
Graham, Your pictures always make me look at them many times. Finishing your work with backgrounds make your picture stand out and more interesting. Good work, sweet Graham!
- Grandma on October 12, 2022
I can see we have another artist in the family. Great job Graham! Love and miss you! Gigi and Grandpa Don
- Leslie on September 9, 2022
Graham. You seem to have a great talent! Keep sending me your artwork. Love you! Grandma