Jena560's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Jena560's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This could be a heart pizza for Valentine's Day!
- Kathy & Al on March 15, 2023
Oh my goodness! This is so beautiful. Great job! I love seeing you progress as an artist.
- Amelia (Mother) on February 3, 2023
Dear Jena, your Northern Lights background of blue really captures the bright lights and the ice cold feeling! It is beautiful. The cute polar bear with the little bear ears is a charming with white fur and shadowing. We love it!
- Kathy & Al on February 3, 2023
Nice painting you are getting very good at it I can't wait to see how good you are a year from now love you mijita
- Papi on January 11, 2023
Hi! Jena I love all your art work you are very good keep it up you are going to be famous one day love you Papi
- Papi on November 22, 2022
I love your new art work just in time for Halloween I love pumpkins love you mijita Grandpa
- Papi on October 26, 2022
What a beautiful turtle. She is swimming in the aqua blue water with bubbles made from sprinkled salt. What fun! You are a very good artist! Love, Kathy
- Kathy & Al on September 28, 2022
Looks so good nice work mijita love you
- Papi on September 20, 2022
Looks so good nice work mijita love you
- Papi on September 20, 2022
Jena, this is a beautiful picture. The flowers are lovely , and the colors are dramatic against the rain shower. You used lots of care when painting the flowers and stems. Just in time for Mother's Day!
- Kathy & Al on May 16, 2022
That's nice mijita good job love you
- Papi on May 16, 2022
Pretty heart. Well drawn with size and symmetry! The abstract background is very interesting. Great work:)
- Kathy & Al on May 16, 2022
Aww, look at that cute face! Big eyes with eyelashes give your sloth a happy look. You can almost feel the fur around her face and on her body. Good job on drawing the face and the paws around the branch!
- Kathy & Al on May 16, 2022
This is the cutest sloth ever! Wish he was our pet. Great job!
- Amelia (Mother) on March 8, 2022
Ooh, lots of colors! I can see your mixed media with paints, paper, crayons. It looks like a queen's crown floating on a rainbow of colors and hearts. Your work is beautiful!
- Kathy & Al on February 16, 2022
This is the cutest penguin I've ever seen! Great job on the shading and those eyes are gorgeous!
- Amelia (Mother) on December 27, 2021
WoW! Now this is exceptional. The little penguin looks like he could walk off the page, great details such as the scarf, face, clothing and size! The shading makes him 3-D! Lots of careful work here. Very very cute!
- Kathy & Al on December 22, 2021
Wow! What a spectacular sunset! So vibrant I can almost feel the evening breeze in this art piece. This looks like it would be a fun place to visit in real life.
- Amelia (Mother) on November 23, 2021
This is by far my favorite piece in your gallery as of yet! It helps that I love playing guitar, but the vibrant colors, the fun music's like I can hear this picture. I'm looking forward to buying this design! Bravo, sweetheart. This is absolutely beautiful!
- Amelia (Mother) on October 27, 2021
Jena, we really like the way you used line in your drawing. There are curves, zig zags, diagonals and the thick black line. The overall picture is very pretty.
- Kathy & Al on October 27, 2021
Your Grandpa Juan (Papi) would really like this. I love that you used your initials as part of the design. So creative!
- Amelia (Mother) on October 13, 2021
So colorful! Great job!
- Amelia (Mother) on September 30, 2021
Oh, yummy! Your cupcake looks so delicious, wish I could eat it!
- Amelia (Mother) on September 21, 2021