Cyrus1286's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Cyrus1286's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job on your circle weaving Cyrus. Your colour palette is always pleasing to the eye.
- Val on June 26, 2024
I really like this one Cy. The mix of colors is great but I particularly like the top right hand where they are blended into each other.
- Grandpa G on June 26, 2024
What a lovely bouquet of flowers for the vase. These striking blue flowers are all seeking out the sun. Well done Cyrus.
- Val on May 3, 2024
It's fascinating to see what you can make from combining different simple shapes. Your art pieces are very colourful and well thought out. Well done Cyrus!
- Val on May 3, 2024
I love this necklace Cyrus! Your textured clay beads really stand out. I like how the colour of the smaller beads complement your handmade beads to create an eye-pleasing necklace.
- Val on May 3, 2024
This is a really wild one Cy. I'm trying to figure out what some of the pieces might be. Are those birds sitting on the popsicle sticks? What's the blue sculpture in the middle? You'll have to explain it to me next time we talk.
- Grandpa G on February 15, 2024
Snowflakes are amazing and you have shown how they can be many different designs and sizes. Well done Cyrus.
- Val on January 16, 2024
Great winter bird collage Cyrus. This sounds like it was a lot of fun creating this project using so many different techniques. We have bluejays and chickadees visiting our suet feeders this winter but unfortunately we don't have Cardinals in our evergreen forests.
- Val on January 16, 2024
Hi Cyrus. I really enjoyed seeing your Winter Bird Collage and all the steps that went into making such a pretty picture. Grammy loves birds and I always try to help the winter birds by putting out sunflower seeds for the cardinals and meal worms for the blue birds that stay all winter. Winter Trees and A Thing Called Snow sound like the perfect books to go along with your artwork. Keep up the good work, Cy. We love you. Grammy
- Amy on January 16, 2024
What a great job you did with this art project Cyrus! Not only is it bright and colourful, but I can see lots of symmetry with your geometric shapes. Circles with spiral lines & straight lines, along with the symmetry of the smaller circles and hearts all centered by the diamond in the middle finishing with the triangles on the corners. Well thought out.
- Val on November 22, 2023
That is so neat Cy! I like the way you alternated the different colored shells. They look like they could have come from Maple Bay near our home.
- Grandpa G on October 19, 2023
Another great piece of art by Cyrus Zigovits! I think the bottom picture would make awesome bracelets and the top picture has a very interesting pattern. Are these made of pebbles or beads? I can’t tell in the picture but it looks like it was fun to make. I look forward to your next original piece of art! xoxoxo
- Grammy on October 19, 2023
Cyrus....I love your pretty flying insect but my favorite part is his antennae. That took some skill to cut around those and it shows you're getting good using scissors. Grammy is always proud of you! Keep up the good work. I hope school is going well. xoxoxo
- Grammy on September 20, 2023
You used some very interesting fabrics for your mini quilt. I liked how you coordinated the buttons to match with the quilt pieces. Good job Cyrus
- Val on May 21, 2023
You have a good eye for colours. Nice job weaving the beads.
- Val on May 21, 2023
Cyrus, I really like your patterns outlining your picture. Your weaving is very precise! Well done.
- Val on May 21, 2023
Your colourful poster really caught my attention. I see your favourite colours (yellow and green) and you highlighted the words with red and orange. Well done Cyrus! Your favourite saying "Don't Give Up" is such an encouraging message for all of us.
- Val on March 15, 2023
Cy, I love your colourful, spikey chameleon. It looks like he's changing colours as he moves. Well done.
- Val on February 8, 2023
Hey Cy, that is beautiful! The mix of colours and shapes makes me want to smile all day.
- Grandpa G on February 8, 2023
Cyrus, your art work looks like a black rose dropped on the table. It is fully opened & losing petals. Great Granny Barbara
- Barbara on February 8, 2023
Cyrus, congratulations on being in the online school gallery at your school! I’m a fan of back and white pictures and photos so I really like this latest artwork of yours. Keep up the good work and keep using that awesome imagination of yours!
- Amy on February 8, 2023
Cyrus, you can't be old enough to do such fine artistry. This picture is so very pretty. Keep up the good work and we look forward to following your artwork this year.
- Amy (Grammy) on February 8, 2023
Hi Cyrus! The pretty leaf must have come from a tree that was cut down. The brown pieces in the background looked like wood chips from the same tree. I can almost feel them and smell them.
- Barbara ( Great Granny) on February 8, 2023
Nice colors Cy. Reminds of the secret trail when went on when you were visiting.
- Grandpa G on February 8, 2023
Cy….your picture is so pretty. I even see your name at the top. You are learning so much. Do you enjoy art? Is this water color paints? Love the blue sky. ????
- Amy/Grammy on November 16, 2022
Cyrus, your marigolds are so colourful and I like your background of grass, soil and the bee - it is enjoying the marigolds too. Good job!
- Val on November 16, 2022
Great job Cyrus.
- Uncle Tim on November 16, 2022