Andrew48006's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Andrew48006's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Andrew…I can hardly wait to see you and visit about your painting…What I do know is that you enjoy using lots of colors…I do believe the shapes below stimulated the colors up above. …nice job! Love, Gamma
- Gamma on May 8, 2024
Andrew… Love your new art work. I thought of a name when I looked at it “ Eye on the City”’ It looks like some of the pictures I took when your Dads and I took the river cruise last May. Great Aunt Sharon
- Great Aunt Sharon on May 8, 2024
Hi Andrew…I noticed you’re adding personal ideas into your art work…Hint… the shirt has sports ?? ?? ?? decals painted on it… and I know how you enjoy sports…??
- Gamma on March 20, 2024
Andrew…I like the way your artwork is developing…I see growth in painting the lady’s face in the frontal position…That would be hard for me to do…Good Job… Love,Gamma
- Gamma on December 13, 2023
Love your new artwork. Great use of color. Proud of you.??. Great Aunt Sharon
- Great Aunt Sharon on December 28, 2022
Awww…I like your snowman…Especially the scarf… You have nice background depth where the sky and earth meet…Gamma
- Gamma on December 28, 2022
Andrew. I love your dancing lady. She is so colorful. It must have been fun creating her. It makes me want to get out my things and draw too!
- Great Aunt Sharon on November 16, 2022
Andrew, your Muertos Calaveras’ project is awesome. The symmetry in the details keeps me looking at it. Bravo! I also like very much Fiona’s project. Congratulations!
- Suzanne on October 26, 2022
Fantastic art creativity! The exposure to life you guys provided expands the children’s creativity!!!!!?????????? Grandpa and Mamie
- Bobby on October 26, 2022
Andrew…This piece of your artwork is absolutely my favorite…Love the strong, vivid colors and the perfect ladder…I can see you reaching for the moon….??
- Gamma on May 18, 2022
Andrew, this composition is so beautiful! May be one day you could tell me a magical story about this art piece. Or if you prefer, I would. You are an awesome kid!!!
- Suzanne on May 18, 2022
Andrew, beautiful! I see a green penguin with blue eyes and blue feet!!! This lucky penguin lives in a very happy colorful world! Bravo Andrew, you are a talented artist.
- Mamie Suzanne on May 11, 2022
Dear Andrew, Congratulations on your ceramic art project. Both pieces are beautiful. I specially love your penguin. His head and facial expression are telling of your great skills. Once again you amaze me! Have fun kid!
- Mamie on February 23, 2022
Dear Andrew congratulations on your ceramic project. Both pieces are beautiful. I specially love your penguin. His head and facial expression are telling of your great skills. Have fun kid!!!
- Mamie on February 23, 2022
Andrew, wow, Grandpa was so excited to see your artistic interest. Your great uncle Bill also was into art. Grandpa is looking forward to more Surprises????????
- Bobby on December 29, 2021
Your Polar Bear is very expressive! The colors you surrounded him by make it whimsical!!! I love it!!! Sending a bear hug ??
- Suzanne on December 22, 2021
Go go Andrew Picasso!!
- Claudio (Father) on December 22, 2021
Andrew…I really like how you figured out how to put a face on your art work… also the feet you drew on the bottom… you are a real problem solver… love Gamma??
- Gamma on December 22, 2021
Dear grand-son, thank you for inviting me to be your fan. Your polar bear is spectacular! As I scrolled down this one, your Christmas 2021 made me pause. It has depth. Kind of 3D. The 2 blue brush strokes are captivating! Bravo Andrew, I cannot wait to see your next creation! Mamie, xx
- Suzanne(fan) on December 21, 2021
Ohhh Andrew…I shared your art with some of my friends… We all agreed you have a excellent “eye” for colors…I’m so proud of you… ???? ?? Love, Gamma
- Gamma on December 16, 2021