Audrey13323's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Audrey13323's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Audrey, I love the layers in this self portrait. Your eyes so opened and ready to explore your world around you. The emoji like you opened to the possibilities. And, in the background, representation of the important things in your life. I hope your eyes will always be bright and open and as you observed the world you won't be afraid to leave your own special mark and always be true to who you are. A strong, creative, individual beautiful inside and out. Keep creating, I love this piece!
- Grandma on May 15, 2024
I love this one, too.
- Rima on November 1, 2023
Ooo I Love this one. I want a copy for my wall in the second bedroom.
- Rima on November 1, 2023
Wow!!!! Audrey, your spelling of your name in sign language is beautiful, bold and powerful, just like you. I love this piece, each letter standing strong to combine into a powerful impacting message. I'm Audrey! I'm an inspiring, unique, creative, strong, confident, loving, courageous, kind, intelligent being. Your artwork speaks volumes. Love it, love you!
- Grandma on November 1, 2023
Audrey, you are definitely becoming the great artist. This is one of my favorites of yours. The design comes alive. Looks like water filled balloons coming together to express the love and joy of warmth, fun and play. Amazing simply amazing, just like you. Looooove it!
- Grandma on May 10, 2023
Another amazing work of art. I love that you set the golden crown outlined in black so boldly in the center against the backdrop of powerful purple, and perfectly pink lines over the strength of the black lines. That you chose to border it all with a striking red sends a message that the artist demands respect and recognition of her talents. Love it!
- Grandma on March 8, 2023
This deserves double comments. Really love the layout, the colors. All the beautiful possibilities pointing to the finished piece. Beauty comes from everywhere!
- Grandma on February 1, 2023
Love, love, love, love this piece. I have the perfect place to hang it in the house. Audrey I hope you will always feel free to create, to imagine, to express yourself. Love, love, love it!
- Grandma on February 1, 2023
Audrey, you make winter look and feel welcoming and warm. Love that you included the bridge to take you to the magic and also to escape back to reality. Love seeing the seasons through your eyes. Amazing!
- Grandma on January 25, 2023
Amazing, just like you, love the rainbow of colors on the black and white artwork. It is waking up from the beauty of night to the fantastic possibility of the day. Love it!
- Grandma on December 7, 2022
Amazing as usual, I love how you surrounded yourself in a circle of colors. Keep creating, you are an amazing, beautiful, talented artist. Love you to the moon and back
- Grandma on September 13, 2022
Audrey, this is fantastic. I truly love it. The color and design is amazingly beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do next! Keep creating. I adore you.
- Grandma on May 4, 2022
Absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Keep creating. Audrey you're an awesome artist.
- Grandma on April 20, 2022
Again, your design makes my heart smile. So impress with your free spirit and creative thinking. Continue to express yourself and your beauty through your art. Your designs inspires. Love it!
- Grandma on March 2, 2022
What a picturesque design. Like floating through a work of art. Your designs are so creative, imaginative and one of a kind. Truly expressing your amazing creative soul. Never stop creating. Love it. Love you!
- Grandma on March 2, 2022
Absolutely gorgeous.. I love the uniqueness of your design. In love with your creativity! Keep creating!!!!!
- Grandma on March 2, 2022
This is such a beautiful piece, Reminds me of snow peaks playing, laughing in warm winter colors. I smile every time I look at it ?? Keep creating smiles!
- Grandma on January 19, 2022
As always, another fantastic piece of art. Really love design and color choices. Keep creating
- Grandma on January 19, 2022
Awesome!!!!!! Keep expressing yourself! Love it!
- Grandma on December 8, 2021