Ezra3106's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Ezra3106's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Ezra, This self portrait is very interesting and I'm glad you posted it as well as so glad that we had a chance to talk about it. You are very creative in your approach to this assignment and I hope it was fun for you to make. I neglected to ask you the meaning of "Fortnite" at the top of the page. Is that something you're willing to share? Keep expressing yourself in all the ways you do! Lots and lots of love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on July 6, 2024
Dear Ezra, This is very different from your other artwork. I like it a lot! How did you come up with the idea? You know I am a fan of what you create. Lots and lots of love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on February 7, 2024
Dear Ezra, You continue to make me stop and look at what you are coming up with in your artwork. This is wonderful! So eager to get a print to hang with your other great work. Very proud of you! Lots of love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on October 25, 2023
Dear Ezra, This is wonderful! I love the colors and how you put it all together with lines and shapes. If this is how you view love, it is absolutely perfect! Love you! Love your work!
- Bubbe on July 26, 2023
Dear Ezra, This snowy landscape is very hopeful. Yes, it shows the cold weather effect on the Earth. It is also full of vibrant color in the skies for the future. Wow! Another great picture! So glad to see this. Love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on January 25, 2023
Hi, dear Ez, This is way cool beans! I like it very much and have ordered a print and some gift cards with this design. How long did it take you to come up with this idea? Now that I think of it, did I see you working on this or something similar at home? Keep having fun with art! Lots of love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on December 10, 2022
Ezra, This is terrific! It includes your take on the world and of sharks and of yourself! There's the real life of sharks and there is your sense of humor. I love it! It's very creative! Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Bubbe on November 3, 2022
I am so proud of the art pieces, and look forward to drinking my coffee with the mug containing your art work. Love Poppy
- Ted on February 2, 2022
Futuro Picasso! We love this piece. The colors are fun. Abuelo & Poppy
- Joe on February 2, 2022
Dear Ez, This is very interesting! Could we please talk about it next time we are together? I'd like to know how you chose the images you used and what the images mean to you. You are very creative! You know I have lots of your artwork from long ago and far away. Keep up the great work! Love, Bubbe!
- Bubbe on January 5, 2022
Dear Ez, This is very interesting! Could we spend some time talking about this when I see you next, please? What I'd like to know is how you came up with the different images and what those images mean to you. You know I still have lots of your artwork from long ago and far away. You do great things, Ez! Love, Bubbe
- Bubbe on January 5, 2022
Dear Ez, Wow! What a terrific piece of your creativity! Way cool! And we had just made and decorated cut-out cookies. As I write this, I look at the wall next to me with pieces of your art and am amazed as well as filled with admiration for the way your art has grown. I look forward to seeing the next things you create. Lots of love!
- Bubbe on January 5, 2022
EZ!! This is awesome! I love the colors you picked.
- Aunt Amy on January 5, 2022