Our Dear A J School is almost out out, or maybe your school is out, but the children here have all next week. I know you will enjoy your Summer and your Birthday. I am very impressed with the art work you have produced this school year. My, how you have improved! It definitely shows you enjoy Art. I do hope you will continue in going forward in to another school year. Love you Buddy!
- Grandmother on June 25, 2024
Good Morning A J I can see so much improvements in your art work, and it makes Grandmother so very proud. Now, I am wondering what will come up in the 4th grade. School will soon be out for the Summer months, and I know you and your Mother are planning some very neat things to do for entertainment. Go................enjoy.................and have loads of fun! Love you very much.
- Grandmother on June 25, 2024
Good Morning A J. I love your new art with all the colors you have used in making the bird. The colors on his legs are cute and creative, and I truly do like all the colors used! You are doing well for 2nd grader. Love you sweet boy
- Grandmother And Grandfather on April 24, 2024
A hearty good morning to you A J I see once again how much you are improving in your art work. I loved the HEART for Valentine, and wish you a great day along with your Mother. I love you both so very much, and wish you many blessings for which we will be thankful! Love you and Hugs
- Grandmother And Grandfather on April 24, 2024
Dear 7 year old A J I Love the new picture you have made in the 2nd grade. You have improved so much, and again this shows you LOVE Art classes. I am so proud of you sweet boy, and look forward to seeing you during Christmas while in N. C. I love you so much, and Grandfather LOVED you as his Buddy. We will miss him during the Holidays.
- Grandmother on December 20, 2023
Hello A J I love your new sea picture of fish and boat and the beautiful sun, and I say you are improving each time we received one of your pictures. Buddy you keep up the good work in ALL your classes, but we are so happy when we receive a copy of your Art. You must have a very good Art Teacher. Love you A J
- Grandmother on December 20, 2023
Good Morning 2nd grader A J With each of your art work, we can see you improving. The colors used in your latest picture are the Fall colors, and we love the drawing. It shows you LOVE Art, and that is good! You can have many hours of pleasure drawing, and coloring, We look forward to seeing you on your Fall break while visiting in N.C. We Love you buddy, and pray for you daily.
- Grandmother And Grandfather on November 1, 2023
Our Dear A J. What a great improvement in your art work since 1st grade. I love the duck, and you did outstanding work coloring for him. We are so sure you are enjoying the 2nd grade, and will do really well. We are depending on you! Be very nice to your friends and teachers, and be very respectable to everyone. You are making good memories, and will continue too your entire years of school and college. We love you. We are proud of you!
- Grandmother And Grandfather on November 1, 2023
Good Morning A J The beautiful art work of flowers makes us think of beautiful N. C. We have so many lovely flowers, with many of them we do not know the name.Now with you being a 2nd grader, we expect some wonderful art work from you. Always, Never Forget we Love you and we are very, very proud of you, and pray daily for you. Hugs
- Grandmother And Grandfather on November 1, 2023
Hello A J We have received pictures of your art work done in first grade this year. What a GREAT job you are doing in Art. We are so proud of you, and we plan to see you sometime this Summer. We know school will be out real soon, and we hope your summer is one you will remember, by having FUN. We Love you, and are so very proud of you! 2023
- Grandmother And Grandfather on August 9, 2023
Hello A J We love the new picture sent to us by your Art class teacher. It made us think of Gatlinburg, and the tram up to the ski lodge. The colors you used were so vibrant, and we love all the red color.. We can see much improvements on each picture you do. We thank you for being a good listener to the teachers, and being very respectful of them. Each year you will be improving on all subjects,and be a happy young man! We Love you.......
- Grandmother and Grandfather on March 15, 2023
MERRY CHRISTMAS, A J We could see the squirrel peeking his head out, searching for nuts for his Winter storehouse.. Happy you are enjoying your Art class, and know with each picture you will progress rapidly. Love to you, and we do Wish you a very Merry Christmas.
- Grandmother and Grandfather on March 15, 2023
Your new art work reminds me it is time to check Walmart for the Christmas Amaryllis bulbs. A great picture of the Christmas bulbs that I purchase each year. Maybe it will be blooming when you visit over the holidays. We are very proud of your increase interest in art, as well as your improvements during your first grade. We love you, and thank you for sharing your work with us.
- Faye/Harold Grandmother and Grandfather on March 15, 2023
Dear Big Boy First grader A.J. We are SO proud of your newest art work, and so happy receiving it. You are improving so much, and we know you are a very good student. You did an outstanding work on the road, clouds, and the green grass beside the road. We are so very proud of you, and expect some more GREAT art work from you, our Buddy. We love you.
- Grandmother And Grandfather on March 15, 2023
Dear A J We have received a copy of your new art work, and always happy receiving it. You are now in first grade, and we are happy you have an Art class. We feel you should take a little more time with your work, but agree it is good, but we do not feel it is your BEST work. We are so proud of you, and listen very carefully to your Art teacher. We love you!
- Grandmother And Grandfather on March 15, 2023
Dear A. J. Just received a picture of your first grade art work. You did a great job, and I am sure you are enjoying Art class. You work hard, and you can excel in, or anything YOU want to do. We are so very proud of you, and will be happy to see you in the Spring and Summer as you visit Nana.. We love you and expect you to enjoy school, and work very hard and make many new friends! Love to you Grandmother & Grandfather...
- Faye/Harold on September 21, 2022
Hello A J We are so happy reeving pictures of your art work, in Art Class. We know you have enjoyed your year of 5 year old kindergarten. We are so proud of you, and know you will be a fine first grader in the Fall. Be sure to continue with Art classes in the Fall. We will be watching for your work from Artsonia. Have a great Summer......Hugs and Love you
- Grandmother And Grandfather on May 25, 2022
Our Dear A J Your butterfly art work is wonderful. You have certainly improved since the beginning of school. Just think next year in first grade you will still have art, and will even get better. You enjoy your Summer vacation, and remember always, we LOVE YOU and Mom!
- Grandmother And Grandfather on May 18, 2022
Our Dear A J. We love the cup you painted, along with the vivid colors. We see you are doing so well in Art, and we hope you will continue to improve with each painting. We know you will. We know you are enjoying school, and know too, the summer months will soon be here, and you will have vacation. Please come and visit with us. We love you sweet Buddy!
- Grandmother & Grandfather on May 18, 2022
Our Dear Sweet A J What a GREAT job you did in drawing the man picture. Did you give him a name? Is it Grandfather? You and Mom stay busy, as I have tried to face time you, but happy you are in soft ball, and other activities. School will be out before too much longer, and we hope you get up to see us for a long visit. We love you, and so proud of your art work. Keep up the good work, and stay calm in the classroom. Enjoy the remainder of the week.
- Grandmother & Grandfather on March 30, 2022
Hi AJ, I love your owl and snow picture! I love your creativity! Love Nana
- Nana on February 16, 2022
Dear Sweet A J. We absolutely loved your bird perched on a tree limb. He looks so real, and the stars in the sky are beautiful as well. You have improved on your art work, and we ask you to please continue working hard in school, and being a good listener, and a quiet boy. We love watching the birds flying and eating from the bird feeder outside our window.. We had a blue bird box at our Condo, and loved watching them work diligently on their nest and feeding their babies. We miss that since we moved. We love you.
- Grandmother & Grandfather on February 16, 2022
Our Sweet A J.......We absolutely LOVED your bird picture purchased on a tree limb. You have improved so much, and with Spring coming on, a bird was a perfect idea. We both love watching the birds fly, and perched on bird feeders. We had a blue bird box at our condo, and enjoyed watching him and her working so hard for their nest and feeding their babies. We miss that since we moved. We love you and please continue your excellent art work.
- Grandmother & Grandfather on February 16, 2022
Our dear A J We love the mug you drew in art class, and think you are improving with each drawing. We will not order the mug at this time. We received two new ones at Christmas time, but wanted you to know how proud we are of you, and pray you will be a very nice boy in school. We love you so very much, and we hope you will never forget THAT!
- Grandmother And Grandfather on January 19, 2022
Hello A. J. We are SO excited over the art work you have done since school began. You have tremendous talent in art,and we hope you will continue. Have you drawn a turkey yet? How about a Santa Claus? You continue with your art work, and we will continue seeing it posted. We Love you and so very proud. Grandmother & Grandfather Kernersville, N. C.
- Grandmother And Grandfather Redding on December 1, 2021
Aj, I love the bear drew. It reminds me of being in the mountains with you this summer. I love you and love your picture.
- Nana on October 27, 2021
Dear AJ.......We are so very proud of your art work. We know you are enjoying school, but know too, ART is your favorite subject. We love you, and very, very proud of you, and your achievements. Keep up the excellent work.
- Grandmother And Grandfather on October 27, 2021
Wow AJ. I love the polka dots. You are an good artist. Love you, Nana