Mason, You just had to put your hands in it didn't you. You did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. Mrs. T.
- on October 8, 2008
hi man this is ryan "aka rhino" I heard that the PATRATES losted the superboul my boys the NY GIANTS BEAT YOUR BOYS you have to tell MR.Nulty TO JOIN MY FAN CLUB AT RYANH10 SEEYOU MONDAY.
- on May 18, 2008
Mason, I love it. The colors are beautiful!! Ms. Solomon
- on April 30, 2008
- on April 30, 2008
your art work is the best in the museam
- on February 14, 2008
Way to go mason that is some awesome artwork i am so proud of you!!!!! Thelma
- on January 31, 2008
Mason (Fuquack!): How ya doon? (Remember the NYC accent?) Your artwork is great! The colors are so bright. Keep working on your art so that one day you may become a famous artist. If that happens I'll be able to sell all the drawings you did for me and make a lot of money!! I hope you are enjoying Hawfields. We miss your screeching laughter here. Oh by the way, what happened to the Panthers this year? Pitiful. Hope they do better next season. See you later. Mr. Nulty
- on January 18, 2008
Mason, I really love the colors in this. It is beautiful!!!
- on January 15, 2008
If thats a championship belt, I issue a challenge>
- on January 12, 2008
Great work Mason!!
- on January 12, 2008
Mason, I am so proud of all of the progress you are making. These works of art are fabulous!! Keep up the good work! Mrs. Thaxton
- on January 11, 2008
You're a great friend to have! You make great artwork! I am so glad for you! Caitlyn Nelson
- on January 3, 2008
Mason, I am so glad to see you are doing well in middle school! Great Job!!! Mrs. Thaxton
- on January 3, 2008
Hi Mason, it's Mr. Gunter from Eastlawn! We were just talking about you and wondering how you were doing this year; from the looks of it, you seem to be doing well. Can't say much about our Panthers, can we? I'm glad to see that you're continuing to enjoy the arts and wish you nothing but the best in the future! Take care of yourself and happy holidays! Jonathan Gunter Music Teacher, Eastlawn Elementary
- on January 3, 2008
Mason, I love your artwork!! I hope you are doing ok since leaving Eastlawn. We miss you!! Love, Ms. Wood and Mrs. Harrelson
- on January 3, 2008
Your artwork was wonderful! We miss you at Eastlawn! Merry Christmas! Mrs. Bell
- on January 3, 2008
Hey Mason! wow dear. You've done such a wonderful job with Mrs. Nelson this year. You really are doing some really cool things with art and I'm so proud of you. I hope that you continue working towards developing your artistry because you have such enormous potential. keep up the great work! Love you, Mrs. Westbrook (music teacher)
- on January 3, 2008
Mason, I love this painting!! You did an amazing job!!! This reminds me of my own Christmas tree that is in my living room. I am glad your still making art! Love, Mrs. McKenna (your old art teacher :-)