Tighler3's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Tighler3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really really love the coloring of this picture , the colors are beautiful and i cant stop looking at it . Once again i am impressed and so proud of my boy .
- Shannon (Mother) on April 6, 2023
This is definitely neat , makes me think of basket weaving . Great job buddy .
- Shannon (Mother) on April 6, 2023
I really like how he takes his time to color every bit of his artwork . Never leaves his artwork unfinished or sloppy .
- Mom on April 6, 2023
Wow so beautiful. He melts my heart everyday .
- Mom on April 6, 2023
I love this so much . I wish I could say he gets it from his momma but he doesn't. I am always impressed by his drawing abilities . I'm going to frame this one and hang it every Christmas as one of my decorations. Great job sweetheart , I'm so proud of you and your talent . Love always , your #1 fan ( mom)
- Shannon (Mother) on January 12, 2023
Tighler, it is so exciting viewing your artwork! You have such a talant! Proud Grandma!
- Grandma Yvette on January 11, 2023
It's exciting to see some new artwork this school year , this definitely reminds me of Picasso and once again I'm very proud of his artistic skills . Love, your #1 fan ??
- Shannon (Mother) on October 20, 2022
I finally received Tighlers polar bear . It’s definitely my favorite! I’m putting this one in a frame . I just love everything about it !
- Shannon (Mother) on May 22, 2022
I knew my dad would like this one too . Tighlers grandpa commented that this was one of his favorites. Said it looked like cave drawings . His grandpa is Chippewa and Cherokee and has handed it all the way down to Tighler . It’s our heritage .
- Shannon (Mother) on May 22, 2022
Tighler and I were talking about the different textures in his artwork and I mentioned how perfect his vase was too . He said “ mom , that was the hardest part “ “ I worked really hard making the vase perfect “ . I love how much he takes pride in his artwork . He’s always excited to bring his artwork home to show me and for me to hang it up on the refrigerator. He knows how much it makes me happy .
- Shannon (Mother) on May 22, 2022
Oooh , I love this !!!! How pretty ?? my little artist has done it again , it’s beautiful and it’s another masterpiece . Great job kiddo !
- Shannon (Mother) on April 28, 2022
Now that's an ice cream cone! YUM!
- Grandma Yvette on March 22, 2022
I love it!
- Grandma Yvette on March 22, 2022
I don't even know what to say! All of your work is awesome Tighler! So proud of you!
- Grandma Yvette on March 22, 2022
I love your artwork littleman! Especially watching you paint one of these dinosaurs! Great job Raaaaa!aaa
- Christy on March 9, 2022
I really , really love the polar bear . This has not came home yet so I’m wondering if his art teacher has saved it to display in the end of the year art display at school. I think he did an excellent job on drawing a polar bear and then painting it with paint sticks . He’s definitely artistic and did not get it from me . This is now my absolute favorite so far .
- Shannon (Mother) on March 9, 2022
This is one of my favorites he did at the beginning of the school year and brought home . We are ingenious blood and I loved how this was done on a brown paper bag to give it a real look . I also liked how well he painted the animals and how he used pencil on the hooves of the animals . I just removed this artwork from my refrigerator only to make room for new artwork he recently brought home .
- Shannon (Mother) on March 9, 2022
This is beautiful. I have it proudly displayed on my refrigerator . The colors are vibrant and he made a perfect heart ??
- Shannon (Mother) on March 9, 2022
Very cool ! I love the different colors used and the design of the different textures.I’m so proud of you Tighler . I know you take a lot of pride in your artwork and you work hard on it .
- Shannon (Mother) on November 30, 2021