Ashton10292's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Ashton10292's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this one Ashton! So talented!!
- Dad on May 17, 2023
Great Job Ashton!! Love the creativity. I saw this piece in the hallway during conferences. Keep them coming!!
- Chris (Father) on October 25, 2022
Our little Picaso is amazing. Always eager to see his new work. His grand mother and great great granfather were also talented artists...
- Papa Pierce on May 4, 2022
Always look forward to his drawings!! So cool!!
- Chris (Father) on February 22, 2022
Nice imagination for sure! Lots going on.
- Barb on February 9, 2022
Love it! Love it! Love it! Cool trees and I like how you made the snow. Looks fluffy.
- Barb on February 9, 2022
Another masterpiece Ashton! Love it!!
- Chris (Father) on January 20, 2022
WOW..what a vision of color
- sylvia on February 9, 2022
Great drawing!! Love the imagination .
- Chris (Father) on November 22, 2021
Bright and awesome! I like the different colors.
- Barb on November 8, 2021
There is alot of detail, stayed in between lines, and very colorful. Very cool!
- Barb on November 8, 2021