Amelia13736's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Amelia13736's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh, my goodness! Look at all of those delicious donuts!!!
- Grandma Molly on July 3, 2024
Everyone of your pictures gets more and more amazing! What a terrific artist you are!!
- Grandma Molly on June 5, 2024
You do so many interesting things in your art class. This water lily is amazing!!
- Grandma Molly on May 15, 2024
What a fun picture! I bet it was different to use watercolors instead of crayons or markers or some other kind of coloring!
- Grandma Molly on May 15, 2024
Look at all the hearts! I like the colors you chose as well as all the different faces ??
- Grandma Molly on May 15, 2024
What an absolutely beautiful picture of the eclipse ????????
- Grandma Molly on May 15, 2024
This is amazing!!!! I love it!!!
- Grandma Haines on May 15, 2024
Frosty looks so upset that his hat blew off!! How will he catch it without any feet?
- Grandma Molly on January 17, 2024
You really made those sneakers look like the package of AirHeads!! You’re so talented!! Love you!
- Grandma Molly on January 10, 2024
I love your winter scene! The snow on the trees makes them look so real!
- Grandma Molly on December 13, 2023
Love this pumpkin picture! Your pumpkins look real!!!
- Grandma Molly on December 13, 2023
You really nailed this boombox, Amelia! Love it!!
- Grandma Molly on December 13, 2023
I really like the bold colors in this!
- Grandma Molly on June 28, 2023
Great bubblegum machine! Love all the colors!!
- Grandma Molly on May 31, 2023
Love this little family of crabs running across the sand to get to the water ??
- Grandma Molly on May 31, 2023
Such a unique piece of artwork! Did you mold it yourself? Then paint it? Love it!
- Grandma Molly on May 31, 2023
I love your rainbow fish! The colors are perfect! The blue starfish looks great in the background.
- Grandma Molly on May 31, 2023
Each of your snowflakes is so different! Love them....and love you!
- Grandma Molly on May 31, 2023
What a great fish!! You are so talented, Amelia ??
- Grandma Haines on March 15, 2023
The hearts on your monster were the best part (besides the teeth, of course)!! Love your talent!
- Grandma Molly on March 15, 2023
That donut looks good enough to eat!! Love you!!
- Grandma Molly on March 15, 2023
I always love to see your artwork! This one has such a great use of are so talented ??
- Grandma Molly on March 15, 2023
This reminds me of a beautiful flower made of so many colors! I love it....and you!
- Grandma Molly on March 15, 2023
What an awesome owl! You are an amazing artist ??
- Grandma Molly on March 15, 2023
That popcorn looks good enough to eat! Great job, Amelia! I love you...Grandma Molly
- Grandma Haines on March 5, 2022
That soup would really warm me up on this cold winter’s day! I love to see your art!
- Grandma Molly on March 5, 2022
We love Alphabet Soup. Save us some! We will see you in a few weeks!
- Pop-Pop & Peggy on February 9, 2022
Amelia, I really like all the smiles in your picture. The sun, the tree, the clouds and even the house all seem so happy! Great job!!
- Grandma Molly on February 9, 2022
We LOVE your penguin, Amelia. You are such a talented girl!
- Pop-Pop & Peggy on February 9, 2022
Amelia, I love your penguin with its awesome yellow favorite color!!
- Grandma Molly on February 9, 2022
You are so clever. Mr. Paintbrush looks like a nice person.
- Pop-Pop & Peggy on February 9, 2022
Amelia, We love this spider. He is smiling so we know he won't bite us! Love you.
- Pop-Pop & Peggy on February 9, 2022
What a great smile for such a scary spider!!
- Grandma Molly on February 9, 2022