Is that a bowl of alphabet soup? It looks delicious! What kind of flavors are in there I wonder? I like how you added the spoon on the napkin and the way you made pink & purple crisscross lines to decorate the placemat! Excellent job!!
- Gma(fan) on April 30, 2023
What a pretty bowl! I really like the plain white color. It would be perfect for keeping rings in on a dresser. Very nice work!!
- Gma(fan) on April 30, 2023
Tiana, I love this wintery picture! Did you use colored tissue paper to make those trees? I love the colors you used. They almost look like stained glass shapes on a snowy hill. Besides trees, they could be pointy igloo homes for some Eskimo families. I also like the way you have snow falling in the dark sky. Great work!!
- Gma(fan) on April 30, 2023
Tiana, what an awesome job you did on this picture. It looks like you used water colors to paint the background and then drew the houses with crayons on top, or did maybe you draw the houses first and then paint? Either way, I love it!! I like that you used all different colors for the houses and the painted background. That definitely looks like a neighborhood I would love to live in!
- Gma(fan) on April 30, 2023
You did a really great job with this picture of alphabet soup, Tiana! I really like how the letters on top are bright colors and the letters that are deeper in the soup are not as bright, as if we can’t see them as well. Keep up the great work!!!!
- Brian on April 30, 2023
That’s a really nice looking bowl, Tiana! Great work!
- Brian on April 30, 2023
Wow, that’s a very cool lucky money pouch! I wish I had one just like it!
- Auntie Shel on April 30, 2023
I really like all the colors that you used in this one, Tiana! It reminds me of something I might see in a cartoon. You also did a great job with the flower! What I'm wondering, though, is what the #20 is from? Does your name alphabetically fall 20th amongst your classmates? You'll have to tell me the next time I see you. Anyway, keep up the great work!!!
- Brian on April 30, 2023
This is a very cool picture, Tiana! I really like how the trees are all different colors and you have the white specs swirling around in the sky. Great job! Keep up the great work!!!
- Brian on April 30, 2023
This is a really cool picture, Tiana! You did a great job! I really like your choice of colors, and the way you organized all the different shapes is really interesting too. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see your next picture!!!
- Brian on November 16, 2022
You have created a really cool critter, Tiana! I think the whole thing is great, but some details that really stand out are the white eyes that seem to be looking up at someone or something and the way the legs are all crinkly. Great job! I can't wait to see what you make next!!!
- Brian on November 9, 2022
Wow, I feel like I’m looking into a treasure chest where a fairy used magic to arrange the jewels into a glittery picture of a flower with sparkling rainbow above it! Did you use real stones? I can’t wait for you to tell me.
- Gma(fan) on October 21, 2022
What a cool picture, Tiana! I like how it's a flower but also kind of looks like it could be a necklace. I also really like the green pieces that you used for the stem and the grass. As you might know, my favorite color is green! Keep up the great work!!!
- Brian(fan) on October 21, 2022
What a cool picture! It looks like it is 3-D with the core of the apple & apple seeds actually inserted into the two apple ends. Is that what an apple looks like after you have eaten it? I can't wait to see the real picture on my next visit to your house.
- Gma on September 24, 2022
I love love love your name picture! What a great job you did making it into a rainbow. I really like the order you put the colors in. They flow from one to the next (yellow to orange to red to pink to purple to blue to green and then all over again) just like a REAL rainbow.
- Gma on September 24, 2022
Nice work, Tiana! The colors are all so vibrant.
- Brian on September 24, 2022
Some pretty tulips for the warm spring weather we are having! I really like the way the flowers come out from the page. Did you fold that paper yourself? I know you picked out the colors of the flowers, red & purple, two colors I know you really like!!
- Gma(fan) on May 10, 2022
What a great picture, Tiana! I really like how you've combined the painted background with the flowers made out of what looks like construction paper. The flowers are also very pretty. Keep up the great work!!!!
- Brian on May 10, 2022
I think I forgot to comment on this before because we talked about it on the phone, but you did a fantastic job on this bird, Tiana. I like the way you used multiple colors and how they all create a pattern on the body of the bird. The purple feet are also really cool. Aunt Michelle would probably especially like those feet, since purple is her favorite color. Keep up the great work!!!!
- Brian(fan) on May 10, 2022
What a great self-portrait, Tiana! It really does look like you with the necklace and the jewelry. I also like how you have the sun shining down on your head. As usual, you did a really great job with this picture! Keep up the great work!!!!
- Brian(fan) on May 10, 2022
WOW! There is not much more than I can say, just WOW! I love it!! Beautiful blue eyes, pretty brown hair, & matching earrings & looks just like you. Great job!!
- Gma(fan) on March 22, 2022
This is really cool! It looks like you made designs and then cut out the pieces and put them together to form a baby chick. This one makes me think of the warm spring weather ahead with all the pretty colors you used.
- Gma(fan) on March 4, 2022
Another beautiful winter picture! I like the different shades of green you used on these evergreen trees and the way you showed the branches. Great job!
- Gma(fan) on March 4, 2022
You have so much artwork that I haven't seen!! I love this picture. A pretty red Cardinal bird flying through the snow and trees. I really like how her red feathers show up in the winter weather. There is a saying, Angels are near, when Cardinals appear.....This picture makes me think of angels that are near us.
- Gma(fan) on March 4, 2022
Wow, Tiana, this picture is really cool! Somehow you managed to really capture the way a cardinal looks flying through the woods. Great work!!!
- Brian(fan) on March 4, 2022
What a cool picture, Tiana! I like how you have both the trees and the sky around them with the snow. I also like how you have a big tree, a medium tree, and a small tree. Kind of like the Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears, but without Goldilocks and trees instead of bears. Keep up the great work!!!
- Brian(fan) on March 4, 2022
This is a really cool picture, Tiana! You did a great job with everything, but I especially like how you added the different textures to all of the leaves.
- Brian(fan) on March 4, 2022
Wow, Tiana, this is a really cool picture! It reminds me of something out of a Dr. Seuss story, which as a Dr. Seuss fan, I really appreciate. The details on the leaves also stood out to me. You did a great job giving each leaf its own unique characteristics. Great job!
- Brian(fan) on March 4, 2022
This is another really cool picture, Tiana! The legs and the antennas are a really nice tough. I also like that the caterpillar is smiling. As always, great work!
- Brian(fan) on November 13, 2021
Wow, Tiana, this is a really cool picture! It reminds me of something I might see in a Dr. Seuss book, which I really like. Great work!
- Brian(fan) on March 4, 2022
What can I say, but another GREAT job. I think is one of my favorites!! There are so many things I love about this picture. The shapes of all the trees, the different colors you used and the way you drew the leaf designs on each one. I also like all the white fluffy clouds in the sky. EXCELLENT work!
- Gma(fan) on November 13, 2021
Tiana, I LOVE your caterpillar, especially the way you mixed the colors! I can definitely see where you mixed blue & yellow to make green, and the red & yellow made a very dark orangish red. My favorite part is the pinkish curly antenna on her head. WELL DONE!!
- Gma(fan) on November 13, 2021
Wow, what a cool caterpillar! You did a great job with the details, like including the legs and antennas. It’s also a nice touch that the caterpillar is smiling. Great work, as always!
- Brian on March 4, 2022
Your pictures are always so interesting, Tiana! This one looks like something that could be in a Dr. Seuss book, which are some of my favorite books. Nice job! Keep up the great work.
- Brian on March 4, 2022
Cool pumpkin Tiana, great job!
- Auntie Shel on November 13, 2021
Wow, cool looking pumpkin! You did a really great job with this picture, Tiana. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you do next!
- Brian(fan) on November 13, 2021
Love your Halloween pumpkin, especially how tall she is and her glowing yellow mouth. Did you cut out the eyes, mouth, stem & sun to add? If so, good work using your scissors!
- Gma(fan) on October 21, 2021
Tiana, I absolutely love Princess Sparkle! You painted her so many different colors, she must have all different kinds of feelings & emotions. I think I'm going to call her Princess Sparkle the RAINBOW Monster though.
- Gma(fan) on October 21, 2021
Great picture Tiana, I love the rainbow look of Princess sparkle!
- Auntie Shel(fan) on October 21, 2021
Wow, Tiana! Just wow! That is so cool. The level of detail is impressive. The combination of colors all really look great together. However, I especially like how you drew the different lines going back and forth. You did a fantastic job. Keep up the great work!