Breanna610's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Breanna610's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Breanna, Sorry I have been so long in commenting on this, but you did a wonderful job with the heart shape and making it into a fish. What a clever idea. Keep up the good work, as you do a wonderful job! I love you! Grandma Doris
- on April 24, 2009
Breanna This is real good, very good lines and GREAT color. See you later, I really enjoy your art. Papa Jack
- on April 24, 2009
wow! This is a great piece of art! I love the colors! You did a great job! Love Mom
- on April 24, 2009
Hi Bree your pot looks real neat. Are you going to use it as a brakefast pot? I like the color. Papa Jack
- on April 24, 2009
Breanna, What a pretty dish you created! It looks beautiful and I bet your mom and dad are really excited about it. I look forward to seeing it when we come to see you! I love you. Grandma Doris
- on April 24, 2009
Breanna, What an awesome picture! It really looks like the sun setting on the ground after it has snowed. I love you! Grandma Doris
- on November 24, 2008
Looks like a fun place to go! Good job. Papa Jack
- on November 24, 2008
Breanna, What a great picture!! You have used some awesome colors and it looks so real! Love, Grandma Doris
- on November 5, 2008
Awesome detail. You did a GREAT job!!! Papa Jack
- on November 5, 2008
Breanna, looks like a Great place to go. Papa Jack
- on November 5, 2008