Braden6093's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Braden6093's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Braden, Nana and Papa love your March Lion. You did such a nice job. Love those eyes…..and his mane is so colorful. Great colors !!! Keep up the good work in school. We look forward to seeing what you will do for next month. ????
- Nana on March 30, 2022
Braden, I love your scarecrow. He seems happy with his friend the crow. You did a great job. Love Grandma
- Grandma, Denise on March 30, 2022
Is your snowman playing football. Love his helmet, and you gave him your number 12. Good job.
- Grandma, Denise on March 30, 2022
Braden, what a nice Valentine painting. Your mom is going to love it. You did a great job. Love Grandma
- Grandma, Denise on March 30, 2022
Braden, you did a good job. I like your bear and the patterns you made of the snowflakes. I bet he is playing in the snow.
- Grandma, Denise on March 30, 2022
Braden, I love your reindeer. He has such a cute face. You did a great job.
- Grandma, Denise on December 22, 2021
love your Owl. It is keeping watch on a starry night.
- Grandma, Denise on December 22, 2021
Braden, I like your ball player. He has alot of energy. Was this from your visit with the Patriots?
- Grandma, Denise on December 22, 2021
Braden, Nana and Papa were so happy to see your very first kindergarten artwork. We love seeing the different letters of the alphabet that you are practicing in class and we saw that all the letters in your name are mixed in among the colors you chose for this picture. Great job Braden! ??
- Cheryl on November 3, 2021
Braden, I love how you repeated your primary colors so they are balanced. You did a good job with your letters and numbers.
- Grandma, Denise on November 3, 2021