Lindsay3572's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Lindsay3572's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Do you think this guy could share a spot in your bedroom zoo? He's so fun looking and surely you wouldn't miss his morning greeting. I'm sure you'd have to feed him quickly and more than one bowl of food. He's as smart as you so watch what he does.
- Sue and Rex Walker on May 11, 2022
The Florida waters are waiting for your return. There are so many stories for you to be a part of with all the wonders of the sea. Your ability to swim so well gives you a freedom that so many might never experience. You are a wonder as are these creatures.
- Sue and Rex Walker on May 11, 2022
Love the colors on this lions mane, you are so creative and his cute little pink nose reminds us of your cute as a button nose! We are so proud of your talents!
- Christy (Mother) on April 4, 2022
Lindsay your artwork is beautiful. Keep up the great work. You are a awesome granddaughter.
- Robert Busbey on March 16, 2022
We feel you must be thinking about what face or makeup can be applied to show what this person looks or feels like today. Possibly a good day is in the works as every day is an adventure and positive one with you. Your daily outlook is wonderful.
- Sue And Rex Walker on March 2, 2022
Your hand in your heart shows us how you continue to give love and support to all you know and those lucky enough to meet you. Constant joy follows you always. We're so happy you are who you are.
- Sue And Rex Walker on March 2, 2022
This snowman we know is as happy you are about the snow in Texas. He won't last long but your memory of the snow will last a long time. You'll see it and play in it many times to come. We love your "happy and enthusiastic" thoughts always as do all your friends and family.
- Sue And Rex Walker on March 2, 2022
Just as sweet as you are! You have become quite the artist Miss Lindsay! We love you!
- Mom and Dad on February 14, 2022
We can see you are ready for a visit from Santa with a very strong Rudolph ready to go. It seems Sponge Bob? is looking for Santa's visit too, yes? Ha Ha! You see events with such a wide perspective as you miss very little of the World around you. Happiness follows you and we are so happy to be part of that.
- Sue And Rex Walker on December 22, 2021
For 5yrs old (just recently 6), Linz's perception of things is amazing. We're so glad she's NOT a Lego figure LOL. And, we can't wait to see what the years ahead hold for this wonderful and very aware of ALL little person.
- Sue And Rex Walker on November 24, 2021
Wow Linz...I believe you could take this talent to N.Y.C. We will have to have a full explanation at our next visit. Your talents at 5 yrs. old have shown such promise in so many aspects - athletics, school work, desire to learn and help with any and all life activities. We especially love your willingness to help your family members and anyone who looks like they need a little pick-me-up. You are an encouraging light for the future.
- Sue And Rex Walker on October 6, 2021
We are so proud of this artwork! Amazing job Lindsay Lou! Love, Mom and Dad
- Christy (Mother) on October 3, 2021