Hayden17642's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Hayden17642's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this one! Great job
- Mom on April 10, 2024
Holy cow that is amazing!! Great work Hayden!
- Dad on April 10, 2024
Love this owl? Who drew it!? Get it, "who who!"
- Robert (Father) on March 15, 2023
Great job Hayden!
- Mommy on April 10, 2024
This picture is so good I could tell exactly what this drawing was.
- Jordan (Mother) on October 19, 2022
I love this piece! It looks great on the fridge!
- Jordan (Mother) on October 7, 2022
I really loved your pot and the color you chose for the glazing.
- Mommy on April 10, 2024
Great job Hayden! I live the colors and creativity!
- Father on September 29, 2021