Charlie - i really like “Bob Jones”. I doubt this is about the great golfer, but you are such a student of history that l would not be surprised. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts the week of Thanksgiving. I love you! Poppa
- Mark(fan) on November 17, 2023
Charles, I love how fluffy and colorful Bob’s wings look. I can’t wait to see this artwork and the many shapes you used. Mo
- Linda(fan) on November 17, 2023
Charlie, this is some GOAT level work. love, Dad
- Daniel on November 17, 2023
Charlie, you are amazing. Your talent is incredible and so are you. Love you buddy.
- Poppa G on September 7, 2023
Charlie…you are SO talented! I love this picture and your choice of color! It definitely brings joy to me as Fall is my favorite time of year!! Proud of you and love you SO much!! KayKay
- Kay Kay on September 7, 2023
Charlie you are Awesome and your artwork is great. I love you
- Papa G on October 27, 2021
Charlie!! That picture is awesome and has so many of my favorite colors!! We are so proud of you and your amazing talent! We love you to infinity and beyond!!????