Emmy1184's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Emmy1184's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Emmy, Lily and Lucy saw this and they wanted to chase the squirel. How real is this? You are by far the best artist in the World and I am proud of you.
- Grampy on February 2, 2022
Oh Emmy! He’s amazing! I can tell you listened and followed each step carefully. Well done!
- Mom on January 25, 2022
Emmy is the best, the greatest, and the most hugable artist in the world.
- Grampy on December 15, 2021
Emmy, we would get the moon for you if you asked! This is a beautiful collage. We love Eric Carle's artwork and think yours is just as creative and wonderful. Well done!
- Mom on December 7, 2021
Emmy Doll is certainly on another level. Thanksgiving will never be the same because of this work of genius. The blue Pilgrim embossed on the body of the turkey is magical.
- Grampy on November 23, 2021
Van Gogh is smiling from ear to ear. Also, all reports say he is very jealous of the talent. Emmy, you are the greatest artist and your work will live forever, at least on my cups.
- Grampy on November 23, 2021
What can be said at this point? Emmy's genius keeps getting better and better. Many scholars thought this was impossible.
- Grampy(fan) on November 9, 2021
The Museum of Fine Art in Silver Spring, MD is expanding to accommodate Emmy originals. Her genius is inspiring. Another masterpiece.
- Grampy on November 9, 2021
This is a Picaso like work of art. The talent is definitely on another level. Emmy's name will be spoken along with Rembrandt, DaVinci, Monet, and Picaso. A child prodigy for sure. Well beyond being a genius.
- Grampy(fan) on October 6, 2021
Great job, Emmy! We are so happy to be able to see your creations.
- Garney & Grampy on September 29, 2021
A mesmerizing piece of art. Definitely a farmer lost in his field during a wind and dust storm. He should follow the blue stream back home.
- Grampy on September 29, 2021
I have never seen such a wonderful work of modern art. This should be on display at the National Gallery of Art in DC.
- Grampy on September 29, 2021