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Emmett2675's Comments
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Below are comments about Emmett2675's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Yum! You can cook for me anytime. Nice job!!!
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 27, 2025
Good enough to always do a superb job with color.
- Great Aunt Gayle on January 15, 2025
Not only did you incorporate good color, you got the shadows of the buildings on the water. Excellent work!!!
- Gayle on December 25, 2024
Yum! Ice cream, here I come. You almost make it look like it's 3D. Good job!
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 14, 2024
Got your letter today. It touched my heart. Your new art work is mucho fabulous. Love those pumpkins.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 14, 2024
I love blue and green Exploring and creating all those lines is awesome
- Auntie Gayle on October 15, 2024
I love the Detail you did ! You are becoming an Amazing Artist! Grandma loves this picture ??
- Grandma Ginna(fan) on October 2, 2024
You really are an artist Magnificent painting of the fruit.
- Gayle on October 2, 2024
Good job buddy! You did an awesome job.
- Brittany (Mother) on September 13, 2024
Emmett, I Love how well you Learned about Lines, Half, and Pattern. You Did an Exceptional Job! I Love how well your drawing turned out! Great Job!
- Grandma Ginna on September 11, 2024
Your picture looked like it was painted with real gold. Makes your picture stand out. Nice job!
- Gayle on September 11, 2024
I have a friend who loves gnomes. I will show your wonderful picture to her. Your us of color is always pleasing to the eye.
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 12, 2024
Your art is getting better and better. Maybe when you are an adult, you will be able to charge lots of money for your wonderful art
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 12, 2024
This is Very Good! You are A Great Artist and you draw better than Grandma.I love how this Picture tells a story.
- Grandma Ginna on May 22, 2024
Awesome & Great Job of using your Colors! You always do a Great Job! You are an Amazing Artist!
- Grandma Ginna on May 22, 2024
Simply colorful magnificence!!!
- Gayle on April 10, 2024
Good job Buddy. You did so well on this painting. This is one of my favorites you have done this year.
- Brittany (Mother) on March 21, 2024
What a Master Piece you created Emmett! I Love the colors! You did an Amazing Job!
- Grandma Ginna on March 21, 2024
My heart loves your heart.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 21, 2024
Great Job! I Love all the Colors you used! An Amazing Piece of Art??!
- Grandma Ginna on February 11, 2024
Would love my picture taken with your wonderfully colorful dragon. Nice job!!
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 11, 2024
Love your Colorful Snowman.
- Grandma Ginna on December 20, 2023
I just love your snowman. I want him ?? n my yard.
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 20, 2023
I can very much tell that your snowman is melting. Excellent work! I hate it when they have to melt though
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 20, 2023
I absolutely Love this! Great Job! Grandma Ginna
- Grandma Ginna on December 20, 2023
Emmett; You are an Amazing Artist. You have a Great Eye for Detail and Creativity….. Grandma Ginna
- Grandma Ginna on December 20, 2023
Very incredible! Blue is my favorite color.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 29, 2023
Your papa loved sunflowers. Great job, Emmett!
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 10, 2023
Your picture looks just like the barns here. Good job!
- Great Aunt Gayle on October 18, 2023
So much wonderful realism and color. I definitely know it's a market truck Good job
- Great Aunt Gayle on October 4, 2023
Amazing That should be on the cover of the book " Jack and the Beanstalk".
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 1, 2023
You are an amazing artist. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
You are an amazing artist. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
Colors are bold in this one. Striking! Wonderful!
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
Wonderful colors! Good detail with people on the top. You also have very neat handwriting. Your name looks nice too.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
Your individual features of legs, arms, eyes , mouth are always well done. You are a good artist.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
I knew exactly that your wonderful creation was a pig. Great job!
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 18, 2023
Magnificent owl Gramma Phyllis loved owls. She had lots in her collection
- Great Aunt Gayle on April 6, 2023
Blue is my favorite color, and you did a great job on the eyes
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 29, 2023
Your picture looks like a wonderful colorful quilt that I would like to have
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 29, 2023
Your dinosaur looks mighty fierce. Nice work
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 9, 2023
Your facial features are amazing. You are just a great artist.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 8, 2023
Your facial features are amazing. You are just a great artist.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 8, 2023
You make it the world better with all of your color
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 8, 2023
Love those robots. You know how to make them perfectly
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 8, 2023
If I had a robot, I would want it to look just like yours. Your pictures are the best.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 8, 2023
All those wonderful colors make me so happy. Keep up the good work.
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 1, 2023
You make your penguin look like it is having fun. Terrific!
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 28, 2022
I see the eye and mouth and very colorful thing on the head. Nice job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 21, 2022
Emmett you are a true artist. I love how you use lines, color to make your art so fun. Great job! ????
- Aunt Joni on December 21, 2022
Magnificent sculpting of your dish
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 21, 2022
Your use of color makes me feel good. Nice job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 23, 2022
Your use of color makes me feel good. Nice job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 23, 2022
Your use of color makes me feel good. Nice job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 23, 2022
Your is always so interesting and wonderful. You are a true artist. Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 10, 2022
You really make things happen on paper with all of that color. I love looking at your artwork.
- Great Aunt Gayle on October 19, 2022
You are a real artist Emmett. Papa.
- Papa on October 12, 2022
You have amazing colors in your picture. I love it Auntie Gayle
- Gayle on October 5, 2022
I want some of those flowers in your vase.
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 8, 2022
You do the best job with colors. I love looking at your pictures.
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 8, 2022
You always use great colors in your drawings, and you spell your name so nicely.i am so proud of you
- Great Aunt Gayle on June 1, 2022
Your Yak looks amazing bud. Mom and Dad are so proud of you and how far you have come in your artwork.
- Brittany (Mother) on May 30, 2022
Your picture makes me happy. Once again, you did a good job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 25, 2022
Nice Job, Little Man! I Love your Creatively!
- Grandma Ginna on May 17, 2022
Your bright and cheery Sun makes me So happy
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 17, 2022
I just saw a real turtle the other day. I will send you a picture. You draw wonderful pictures.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 11, 2022
I can definitely picture the rainstorm and the need for an umbrella. Good job. Once again, you put beautiful colors together.
- Great Aunt Gayle on May 11, 2022
I LOVE your Beautiful Picture! Great Job Emmett.
- Grandma Ginna on May 11, 2022
Great Job Emmett! I Love your Beautiful Picture of your Queen! You are an Amazing Artist!
- Ginna on March 30, 2022
Wish I had a crown as nice as yours. You are an amazing artist.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 23, 2022
I love this picture buddy. Did a good job. Love, Mommy
- Brittany (Mother) on March 12, 2022
Certainly is the coolest robot I have ever seen.
- Great Aunt Gayle on March 9, 2022
I Love Your Creativity Emmett! Love your Colors you chose. You did an AMAZING Job!
- Grandma Ginna on February 23, 2022
All your pictures have wonderful details. They all look like the animals you want to draw. Nice job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 23, 2022
So cute! Good job, buddy! :)
- Auntie Chels on February 16, 2022
I knew they were owls right away, because you are such a good artist.
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 16, 2022
You know just the right colors to make your picture look great. Good job.
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 9, 2022
Your picture looks exactly like a lion. Very good.
- Great Aunt Gayle on February 2, 2022
I Love your creative Art Emmett! You are an Amazing Artist! Keep up all your Hard Work.
- Grandma Ginna on February 2, 2022
That ice cream cone looks SO good, I want to have one right now. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 22, 2021
You use such wonderful colors. I love looking at your pictures. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on December 22, 2021
Sure would like some gumball from that machine. They look delicious.
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 13, 2021
That looks amazing buddy. I love it
- Brittany (Mother) on November 9, 2021
I love how you use so many beautiful colors in your pictures. You are such a good artist
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 9, 2021
I love how you use so many beautiful colors in your pictures. You are such a good artist
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 9, 2021
If I had an aquarium, I would want all my fish to look like yours. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on November 9, 2021
Awesome Job Emmett! Grandma Ginna Loves your Creativity!
- Ginna on October 27, 2021
You are one mighty fine artist. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on October 20, 2021
You are one mighty fine artist. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on October 20, 2021
I can see that that is a very handsome bear. Good job. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle on September 22, 2021
I absolutely love that Apple tree . You are a very good artist. Keep up the good work. Love, Auntie Gayle
- Great Aunt Gayle(fan) on September 7, 2021