Levi11573's Comments (85)

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Below are comments about Levi11573's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job, Levi! Love Mimi
- Mimi on May 22, 2024
Hi Levi! I have some Korean friends, but they told me about a hanok before. Their roofs sure are different, aren't they? I like the interior of your hanok. I would like to rest next to those pillows! They look very comfortable! Well done!
- Grandma on May 22, 2024
Such a pretty interior design. It looks so cozy and inviting.
- Mom on May 22, 2024
Super cool work! I would love to go visit these houses in Korea with you some day. Love you my little artist. Mom
- Mom on May 22, 2024
I've never seen a koi fish looking at it from above like this angle, Levi! I didn't even know it HAD a mustache! That's a LOT of scales to color in????Maybe we can help you finish coloring them in someday soon!
- Grandma on May 1, 2024
Another masterpiece! I love being able to see all of the artwork you do at school. It makes me happy when I get the email letting me know you have another art project for me to check out. Love you to the moon and back, Levi! Love, Mimi (and Papa too)!
- Mimi on May 1, 2024
In love with this little pot. It looks so pretty on the kitchen window sill! I love Mimi's idea of putting it on the table with jellybeans in it, although doubt the jellybeans would stay there long ??
- Nikki (Mother) on April 3, 2024
Levi, Grandpa and I are ALWAYS looking forward to seeing what you have made in art. I'm especially excited about your clay pinch pot. I remember making one of these when I was your age. It almost reminds me of a tulip! I hope you love making things out of clay as much as your Grandma Leong did! Love this---and YOU!
- Grandma on April 3, 2024
I love this tea bowl Levi. It would be very pretty on your dining table with some colorful jelly beans in it! You are quite the artist these days! Love you, Mimi (and Papa too)!
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Levi, You are getting SOOOO good at drawing bears! I LOVE your panda--just in time for Chinese New Year! Gung Hay Fat Choy! Love, Grandpa & Grandma
- Robin on February 14, 2024
Levi, this is my favorite piece of art you have done yet! I LOVE IT. Great job, you are become quite the artist! Love you! Mimi
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
Levi, What a fun way of looking at a snowman! Those stick arms look like they could grab MANY birds looking down at him! Such a fun project! Love, Grandma
- Robin on January 10, 2024
Levi, I LOVE this polar bear! He is so cute! I wonder how he got that fancy scarf? Sure looks like he is getting ready for Christmas with all the decorations on him! GREAT job!
- Robin on January 10, 2024
Aww! I love this polar bear. He is so cute in his striped scarf.
- Nikki (Mother) on December 13, 2023
Levi, I love this Polar Bear. Great job snuggle bunny! Polar Bears and Panda Bears are my favorite bears. Love you, Mimi
- April on December 13, 2023
Wow Levi! You are quite the artist! I love snow and this is my favorite snowflake painting ever! ????????????
- Mimi on December 13, 2023
WOWZA!!! best work yet, all that hard work and practice is really paying off! Proud of you, keep up the good work. Love, Mom
- Mom on November 13, 2023
Levi, we KNEW that was a snowflake! What a fun and cool way to print one using all those materials! Thanks for sharing it with us! Every snowflake God makes is special and unique, just like YOU! We love you ??
- Grandma on November 13, 2023
Excellent work Mr. Memes! Love the details on the treasure chest!
- Micah (Father) on November 8, 2023
Levi, Grandpa and I absolutely LOVE this little fish bowl that you drew and painted! The fish are all so cute and we LOVE the treasure chest that you drew at the bottom of the bowl. I wonder what kind of treasure is in there? I'm going to ask you the next time I see you! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
Levi this is a fantastic picture! This is my very favorite of all of your art work! Great job, I love you! XO Mimi
- Mimi on November 8, 2023
I know the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear VERY well, Levi. What a fun way of making your very own book with your ideas. Grandpa and I love looking at your art projects and we look forward to another school year seeing all your creative ideas! Love Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma on October 4, 2023
I love seeing all of your art work Levi! I love this green heart, makes me thing of the Grinch and his heart that grew three sizes. XO Mimi
- Mimi on September 27, 2023
Levi, I LOVE this crocodile! He is so cool! He seems like a happy fellow, even with all those teeth! What a GREAT picture, Buddy! Love, Grandma
- Robin on July 5, 2023
Levi, I love this drawing of Solomon the Crocodile! Great job, you are quite the artist. Look at all those teeth Solomon, chomp, chomp! Love you Levi! Love Mimi
- Mimi on July 5, 2023
Wow Levi! This is incredible, I love the animals you drew and the mountains in the background. Great use of space, perspective, and detail. The way you used multiple colors for the grass and sky looks so realistic! Way to go my little artist. ??
- Mom on May 6, 2023
Levi, Those sheep sure remind me of early spring ???? They also remind me that we are like sheep to Jesus, and He is ALWAYS watching over us in love ?? Great job, kiddo! Love, Grandma
- Robin on May 6, 2023
WOW, Levi! An ovalish shape is so hard! You did such a good job drawing that shape! I really like the patterns you chose for your egg, too! well done, kiddo! Grandpa and I love looking at your artworks! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on April 5, 2023
What a great Easter Egg! I love all the colors and different designs. Great job! Love you tons, Mimi
- Mimi on April 5, 2023
Levi, what a fun project! Very modern looking, indeed! Love Grandpa and Grandma
- Robin on April 5, 2023
Wow, Levi, I LOVE this. You are a great artist. Love, Mimi
- April on April 5, 2023
Wow, Levi, I LOVE this. You are a great artist. Love, Mimi
- April on April 5, 2023
Hi Levi! Grandpa and I are always excited to see your newest art creations. This ceramic pendant is so cool! I love the different textures you put into your design. Well done! Love, Grandpa and Grandma ??
- Robin on April 5, 2023
Levi, Grandpa and I really like your color choices for this modern looking flower! That's a LOT of coloring! Great job!
- Grandma on April 5, 2023
Super cool! I love this flower ?? such a great combination of colors.
- Nikki (Mother) on February 10, 2023
Hi Levi! This is a PERFECT day to see this beautiful artwork, as it reminds us of the beautiful snow outside our windows today! This is such a pretty winter scene. Even the snow is swirling like it is doing today! Great job, Buddy! Love, Grandma & Grandpa Leong
- Grandma on February 8, 2023
Wow, Levi! This looks like up north in the snow. I love the evergreens and pine trees when the snow falls on them, it's so pretty. Great job! Love you, Mimi and Papa!
- Mimi on February 8, 2023
Levi, Grandpa and I love this! He looks like either a polar bear, or maybe a wolf! I'll bet he is a great hunter! Those colors behind him make him stand out perfectly! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us! Love Grandpa and Grandma
- Robin on January 18, 2023
Wow, Levi! I love this piece of art. Looks like you made a polar bear, one of my favorite animals! You are becoming quite the artist! Love, Mimi and Papa!
- Mimi on January 11, 2023
Great job, my little Christmas Elf! Love you tons, Mimi
- Mimi on January 11, 2023
Levi, Grandpa and I love all the interesting designs on your stocking. It's fun to see it hanging on your wall at your house too! Christmas is almost here! I'm so glad we can celebrate Jesus' birthday together!
- Robin on December 21, 2022
Levi, this is a really "cool" idea! You chose some interesting colors to be the background for your snowflakes. Grandpa and I love looking at all your artwork! You are unique and so special, just like the snowflakes you drew!??
- Grandma on December 21, 2022
Oh my goodness! This is such a cute reindeer, I love your little hands that make his antlers. Way to go my little artist. ??
- Nikki (Mother) on November 29, 2022
Rudolph is my very favorite Reindeer! You did a fantastic job on this one! You are becoming quite the artist! Love you, Mimi XO
- Mimi on December 21, 2022
Levi, What a cool cat! I love all the spooky things behind him! You worked SO hard on this! If I wasn't allergic to cats, I'd want him to live on my refrigerator forever!
- Grandma on November 9, 2022
Levi, This is one of the BEST Jack'O Lanterns I've ever seen! It is PERFECT, and I KNOW Daddy and Momma would LOVE add it to all their scary Halloween decorations!
- Grandma on November 9, 2022
Wow Levi, I love this silly face pumkin. Great job and I love all the starts in the sky. Great Job. This is my new favorite art piece you have done! Love, Mimi and Papa too. P.S. I always show Papa your art work too.
- Mimi on November 9, 2022
Levi this is my favorite piece of your art work yet. It looks like Dugan! Great job! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on October 26, 2022
Levi, this is a really creative Indian Pictograph pouch! I like how you made letters on it. I love how letters can be put together to make real words, too! Grandpa Leong and I love looking at your art work! Keep it up, buddy! Love, Grandma Leong
- Grandma on October 12, 2022
Great job Levi! Papa is part Chippewa Indian that means you have a little American Indian in you too! I hope you enjoyed learning about them! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on October 12, 2022
Levi, We think a mouse would LOVE to come to your playground! It is so colorful. The blue circle looks like a fun tunnel or maybe a bridge to cross. You have such fun ideas! Keep up the great work! Love Grandpa & Grandma
- Robin(fan) on September 21, 2022
Levi, Grandpa and I LOVE the wiggly lines your little bug made! The blue one where he is hopping looks like fun! I LOVE the green zig-zag line too, because my favorite color is green!
- Robin(fan) on September 21, 2022
I love the sculpture you made for a mouse. If I was a mouse I would definitely play on your sculpture. Love you, Mimi
- April Caputo on September 21, 2022
I love this fun creation! My favorite line is the green wavy line. Great use of color my little artist! I love you.
- Mom on September 21, 2022
I love this fun creation! My favorite line is the green wavy line. Great use of color my little artist! I love you.
- Mom on September 21, 2022
I love this drawing Levi! Love Mimi
- Mimi on June 1, 2022
Great job Levi, Papa loves the triangle eyes. Maybe you can carve a pumkin at Halloween with this face! Your art work makes me happy! Love you! XO Mimi
- April Caputo on May 13, 2022
What a great face you created! I love the triangle eyes and rectangle mouth :) Keep up the imaginative creating Buddy!
- Nikki (Mother) on May 4, 2022
This was a really fun project, Levi! Your big mouth picture made me laugh!
- Robin on May 4, 2022
Love this one Memes! Great work buddy!
- Micah (Father) on April 29, 2022
Levi, You chose some great colors for this landscape. I THINK I see some mountains too! They are my favorite! Love, Grandma L.
- Robin on April 27, 2022
Levi, We LOVE your beautiful egg! It has just the right decorations on it! Love, Grandpa & Grandma L.
- Robin on April 27, 2022
Great Easter Egg Levi! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Wow! I love this piece, good choice of colors and shapes.
- Mom on April 27, 2022
Wow! I love this piece, good choice of colors and shapes.
- Mom on April 27, 2022
I love all of your art work, Levi. I need some new art work for my refrigerator! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 30, 2022
LEVI!!! This is so beautiful. You are becoming quite the artist. I am so proud of your work :) Wonderful job buddy!
- Mom on February 2, 2022
Great Job big guy! I'm really impressed with this, Love you Mr. memes!
- Dad on February 2, 2022
Nice cutout work and houses! Love you, Levi. Love, Mimi
- April on February 2, 2022
Levi, I love all the hearts and people in your drawing. This is my favorite one of your drawings yet! Love you, Mimi!
- Mimi on February 2, 2022
Levi, I love all of your art work but I especially love the houses you made. You are becoming a very talented artist! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on February 2, 2022
My favorite piece yet! Great choice of colors ?? Mama
- Nikki (Mother) on November 29, 2021
You did a great job on this one and I see your signature in the corner too! Great job, love you, Mimi!
- April on November 24, 2021
Great job Levi! Perfect fall colors! Love you Levi, Mimi!
- April on November 24, 2021
Great Job buddy! I love the red tips of the leaves. You're getting better and better at staying in the lines. Love you Memes!
- Micah (Father) on November 17, 2021
Levi, I love the pretty fall colors you used! Great job staying in the lines! Love you bud.
- Mom on November 17, 2021
Great Spider Man Web, Levi. Papa and I love this one! Love, Mimi and Papa
- Mimi(fan) on November 10, 2021
Good job connecting the dots! Love, Mimi and Papa
- Mimi(fan) on November 10, 2021
Great spider man web, Levi! I love this one!
- Mimi(fan) on November 10, 2021
Levi, Grandpa and I are so impressed with the careful coloring you did on your Things That Are Yellow page. We look forward to seeing more of your artwork! Love, Grandma
- Robin(fan) on October 27, 2021
Levi, I always LOVE looking at your artwork! I see that you are learning about all the colors of the rainbow! This is such a wonderful reminder of the rainbow God first gave our world after the flood, isn't it?
- Grandma on October 6, 2021
Great job coloring inside the lines!
- Nikki (Mother) on September 30, 2021
Levi, I really love the curly lines the best! It looks like your little bug was having a VERY happy time making happy swirls! Thank you for sharing your artwork with us! Love, Grandma ??
- Robin(fan) on September 22, 2021
Great job, Levi....it reminds me of you running through our house! haha
- Mimi(fan) on September 22, 2021
Great work, Bud! I love this beautiful picture!
- Nikki (Mother) on September 21, 2021