Eloise1153's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Eloise1153's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love all the color choices!
- Jennifer (Mother) on March 16, 2022
I love the colors you used, Ellie. There was a famous artist, named Vincent Van Gogh, who painted a beautiful scene of a night sky. The painting's name is Starry Night. I will show you a picture of it sometime. This piece of your artwork reminds me a lot of his Starry Night painting. Both are just beautiful!!! Keep sharing your beautiful artwork. It makes people happy when they see it and that is a wonderful gift you can give them. Thank you for sharing this artwork with us. Love, Grandma S.
- GrandmaMary on March 18, 2022
Great Work Eloise! Gma and I liked the colors you chose for the scarecrow. Lucky thinks you picked the right crop to grow in the field, her favorite treat! Keep up the good work. Gpa and Gma
- Dick on November 24, 2021