Gordon620's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Gordon620's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gordon, this looks like an interesting art technique. I would like to hear how you did this. I've never seen anything like it and I am curious! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 7, 2025
I can just feel the roll of those waves! There is just so much action to look at in your Great Wave painting, Gordon...from the turtle under the sea to the person yelling for help to the helicopter in the sky! Your colors are so vibrant too! This looks like it took a long time to complete. Thank you for sharing your artwork once again with us! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 7, 2025
Boy Gordon, working with pastels is a medium that I never got a chance to explore. I just love how you used the light and dark of the crayons and blended them to create a three dimensional feel on a two dimensional piece of paper. The shape of your pumpkin is very genuine too. Pretty cool work from an artist who is born in October! Love, Grams
- Grams on November 6, 2024
Hurray! I get to see your art again this year!!!!! You are always learning while doing something creative and fun in art class. I like all the designs in your paper sculpture, Gordon and I think I can even see two eyes peeking at me! How fun!!!! Enjoy the new Art year! Love, Grams
- Grams on October 9, 2024
I bet you get to watch squirrels in your yard pretty often. This squirrel is sitting up so nice and straight and I am wondering what he has his eye on! Maybe he is watching YOU! :-) I also like his tail, Gordon. I like the way you made it bend at the tip. I do enjoy your art work so much! Thank you!!! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 6, 2024
It looks like you got to use watercolor paints again! Am I right? Lovin' all that BLUE that you used, Gordon. Reminds me of Colorado skies!!! Most of all I liked how you created different hues of blue in that lake. It's makes it look so interesting and refreshing! I'd like to drive on that road with you. Let's go!!! You can drive. Do you think dad will let you drive his jeep? :-) Love, Grams
- Grams on February 28, 2024
The USS Abraham Lincoln!!! That's a nuclear powered aircraft carrier!!! It's home base is in San Diego, California and I would love to go there but not anywhere when it's at sea! Those sailors are certainly brave, don't you think? You are very thoughtful when you create your art, Gordon. I admire that and am happy you get the opportunity to to express those thoughts in art class. Love, Grams
- Grams on February 21, 2024
This is so creative, Gordon! I love its uniqueness and the different hues are awesome. So far this year, this is my favorite! Maybe because it's the sun and we don't see much of it during the winter months. Love, Grams
- Grams on February 21, 2024
You make our hearts happy each and every day, Gordon! Pretty cool technique. You will have to tell me about the process since it looks very interesting. Love, Grams
- Grams on February 21, 2024
If I were walking along a path at night, I would walk a little faster! This tree looks kind of spooky with that full moon behind it! How nice you get to do all kinds of different art, Gordon! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 21, 2024
Your art hands are just glowing, Gordon! This made me laugh. Love, Grams
- Grams on October 18, 2023
Oh Hurray! Grampy and I get to see your artwork again this year! Please thank your art teacher for doing this because we really enjoy it. There are many artists who paint flowers in vases but your vase is really eye catching, Gordon. It has great dimension too because it looks like I can actually pick it up and move it to our kitchen! You must follow directions very carefully.
- Grams on October 4, 2023
Gordon, I just saw a picture of two majestic lions at the Cincinnati Zoo. Their names are John and Imani. What would you name YOUR lion? He's pretty fierce looking with that mane and those fangs! I am glad to see your artwork, so please thank your teacher for posting this!
- Grams on May 17, 2023
Your painting is COOL...no wait...It's WARM....no wait...it's COOL...no wait...it's WARM...no wait...it's COOL...no wait...it's WARM! To be honest, I really think it's cool, Gordon! Like it LOTS! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 15, 2023
Gordon, your polar bear looks so cuddly! I like how you shaded the inside of his ears. Have you ever seen a real polar bear? I saw one at the zoo once but he looked so unhappy as he walked back and forth in his cement enclosure. I wish I could have given him a huge chunk of snow to play with. Love, Grams
- Grams on March 15, 2023
Yum! Yum! I think I know how you made the cupcake but HOW did you get the frosting to swirl like that, Gordon?!? Tell me your technique so I can try it when I frost cupcakes. Can't wait to hear what's the difference between 2-D and 3-D. Maybe we can have a dairy free cupcake while you tell me!
- Grams on March 15, 2023
Gordon, whenever I would try to make hearts, they kind of came out lopsided and not very symmetrical. I wonder if it's because I am left handed?! Yours are well balanced and you DO know how I feel about the color blue! Art MUST have some happy blue in it! Stella would be happy to know you thought of her, too! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 1, 2023
Gordon, you are so lucky to have teachers who share the joy of art with you! I had fun trying to find the letters in "Grams" and "Gordon" that fell out of your tree. And I did!!!!! Can you? Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us and be sure to thank your teacher too, please. Love, Grams
- Grams on March 1, 2023
This is definitely "Not a Box", Gordon! Is this like the battleship that you got to go on during Spring Break 2021? You included such detail! Battle guns, the bridge with windows for observation, and even a radar system and hull number! Can't forget to include a Navy sailor too who works to protect all of us. I really like your "Not a Box"! Love, Grams
- Grams on March 1, 2023
Aren't collages fun to make, Gordon? We have one that Auntie Christa made when she was in 4th or 5th grade only she used pieces of pictures from magazines. We have it hanging in the gallery that leads to the basement. Have you ever noticed it? Your bright bold colors make me happy and I like how you placed the pieces together. The black and white add an interesting contrast too! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 27, 2023
Gordon, you are going to have to teach me about the "Dot Collaborative". When I see this, I think of "Concentric Circles". I have an idea! You can tell me about the "Dot Collaborative" and I can tell you about concentric circles! Deal? Love, Grams
- Grams on February 27, 2023
After seeing your happy sunflower, I think we may need to plant some, Gordon. The birds would DEFINITELY enjoy the seeds and we could enjoy watching the flower get taller and taller. You must show me how to make background colors blend like that! What a cool technique! I also liked how your round vase was like your round sunflower. I hope we get to see you AROUND soon! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 27, 2023
Just look at those feathery wings you made! WHOOOOOOOOO would think that you could make such a nice texture like that from ripped pieces of paper?! I like weaving too. I made Grampy a small blanket for his bed by weaving lots of little squares. (It's in the basement!) It is a peaceful activity, don't you think? Love, Grams
- Grams on February 22, 2023
Gordon, you made another interesting piece to look at! It looks like you had to combine several steps in your artwork...a picture of yourself, written statements and of course the background which reminds me of batik or tie-dye. I like it! And I do agree....you DO color very well! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 22, 2023
Gordon!!!!!! Who would think that you could create such a beautiful painting using a piece of cardboard!!!!! This is just fantastic. Trees and their branches were always so hard for me to paint. But I was using a brush. I SHOULD have used a piece of cardboard!! I guess I wasn't lucky enough to have a teacher like Ms. Malkus! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 22, 2023
This is pretty spectacular Gordon! Getting to create something that comes from inside you is pretty fun. Just stop and think...there's only ONE like this in the whole wide world! Pretty Crazy!!!! We all love you, Gordon! Grams
- Grams on February 22, 2023
Well, you ARE Grampy's Vitamin G4! There are so many things we love about you too, Gordon. The background of your artwork is pretty cool. You will have to explain how you made it to me. Your handwriting is easy to read too. You are lucky to go to school at Northfield Elementary!
- Grams on February 22, 2023
Gordon, I am glad the dinosaurs were around LONG before I was! I WOULD be very afraid if I came across this fellow! Just look at those spikes on his back and on his head. I definitely would run the other way!!! Love, Grams
- Grams on February 22, 2023
Oh Gordon! I always found that trees were the hardest things to paint but yours looks so strong...just like the oak tree we have in our front yard! Maybe we need to add a swing to it just like yours in your painting. What do you think? Thank you and Ms. Malkus for sharing this with us! Love you, Grams
- Grams on December 10, 2021
Gordon, what a cool painting! Who would have thought a white piece of paper could become so colorful! Your colors create so much light and your black lines add so much contrast. I like your choice of lines...especially the loop de loop one...near the bottom of your painting. Your painting makes me happy to look at it. Please thank your teacher for posting it on Artsonia. Love you!
- Paula(fan) on November 10, 2021
Gordon, your silly pumpkin made Grampy and I laugh. I think we need to try to carve this expression on a pumpkin next year so all our trick or treaters will laugh!
- Paula(fan) on November 10, 2021